Chapter 71: Low point

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Nya quite didn't understand how this happened. One second she was just going on a walk, and the next thing she knew she got captured by the dark lord. Her head was down as she was in cuffs and being led by the oni lord. She didn't even look up at him as she was being led by a rope. Garmadon teasingly would tug so hard the raven haired girl would fall into the hard ground of the street of ninjago. She growled, she hated this she hated being in this situation. When suddenly she bumped into garmadon and fell on to the Ground. She was going to ask what he was going but when she looked up she was face to face with his glowing red eyes. "Why did you bring me here?" The oni lord ignored the raven haired girl not wanting to waste his time with her bothersome questions. Nya growled as she was pushed down into an uncomfortable position. "Guards, lock her up make sure she can't escape understand?" The guards nodded in slight fear knowing not to mess with the oni lord after what happened with the white haired girl who knows how many days ago. The guards took the girl down to cold dungeons were you could hear water dripping down from the ceiling. Nya thought about trying to control the water so she could escape but decided against it being at a disadvantage. As the guards brought her to the cell, Nya saw braided grey hair. Her eyes widened knowing who it was straight away.

"Mistake?" the woman's head turned around and sure enough there was the female oni with misako, and teenage wu. "Young Nya?, how did they get you. You were with the resistance" Mistake stated her confusion to the raven haired girl. The girl was pushed inside, and the sound of the clsoung door was heard behind them with a big slam. The young girl looked at her three comrades, she wondered how long they have been here, and haven;t they noticed the three were gone. Nya growled before kicking the door in anger, she hated being imprionsed, being locked up. Misako walked over to nya, pulling her into a embrace hoping that would calm her down at least a little. Nya finally calmed down and hugged the women back. "How long have you been here?" The three older people looked at each other then at the window hoping that could help them figure it out. Finally wu shrugged. "We honestly don't know it could be a week, or a month" the raven haired girl looked down sadly since they forgot about the three of them, they didn't even know they were missing. Teenage Wu noticed the girl looked a little sad, so he walked over and placed a hand on the young girls shoulder for comfort."it's alright nya, we will get out of here soon" he told the girl assuming that was what was wrong. The water ninja looked at her young master with a weak smile. "No master that isn't the reason why I'm so upset" the three older people looked at each other wondering if that wasn't it, then what was making her so upset, she walked away from the them heading over to the corner of the cell

"Nya, then what is wrong" asked misako. The young girl signed before speaking." I am sorry, with everything going on we didn't know you were missing" Mistaké went over to the girl, instead of being mad like nya thought she merely smiled at the young raven haired girl. "It's alright, young nya I know we all have a tough couple of weeks with losing young harumi, and Young Lloyd" Nya smiled before hugging Mistaké. "Thank you Mistaké". The women nodded and they both pulled out of the hug and then everyone was silent. However Wu was the first one to speak breaking the silence between the group. "The question now is: how are we gonna get out of his tower, and cell?" Eveyone was still slient not knowing what do, and not knowing if there was any plans they could make to escape. "Who knows, garmadon keeps the tower Security pretty tight. We need a plan a good one if we are going to escape from the dark lord"

It was then a dark voice spoke, the voice rumbled among the walls making everyone shiver." You won't" the group of four turned around and saw Garmadon standing there, along with unconscious members of the resistance behind them. Nya growled before kicking, and grabbing the bars of the cell. "You monster! What do you think your doing!?" The man only smirked at the raven haired girl casually placing a hand on the wall, and then leaning on the wall using his other hands to support himself. "What ever do you mean, water ninja" he asked with a smirk. "You'll never win garmadon! We will take you down even if we don't have Lloyd, nor rumi. The resistance never quits!" The man smirked again and let out a laugh. "Oh really, didn't you all leave the city. Didn't you quit?" Nya turned away bitting her lip making the dark lord laugh. Little did they know a figure was watching from the steps of the dugeons watching what was going on. When suddenly a sound was heard and ran up the steps away from the scene although accidentally dropping a green leash on the steps as she ran.

A Sons of garmadon member walked over, whispering something along the lines of some one was watching Garmadon talk to them, and going to try and escape. Garmadon looked up at them. "The guards will handle putting you all in cells, for I have to go see someone who's trying to leave. Goodbye" with that the dark lord left leaving eveyone in slience.

Hello eveyone, Good evening, Morning, and or dusk depending on your time zone! Jdizzle here. I hope you enjoyed that chapter but... uh no all the resistance is now all captured by Garmadon. Right after Harumi, and cloud left borg tower forever. It had actually I can't belive it's been six months since Lloyd's death it was in September, and now it's February. Just wow, I can't belive how far we have come with this story February 10th will officially will be our one year anniversary of this story. So yeah, i actually can't belive this. But if you liked this chapter, please comment, leave a vote, and tell your friends. And I'll see you all in two weeks! Bye Jdizzle signing out peace!

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