Chapter32 Conflicted minds

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A pair of cerulean eyes were directed on the cracked dungeon tiles. Surrounding the figure who was leaned on the wall were four boys, a child, elemental masters, former enemies and allies from different realms. The water ninja threw a rock at the wall in front of her. "How long does he think he can keep us down here?" She grumbled, impatience clearly showing. Kai sighed, impatient as well, "Sis, I honestly don't know." He had to put up with the raven-haired girl's whining practically the whole time they've been down here. Expecting another grumble from Nya, Kai was stunned at her response.

"I want to see Lloyd and tell him that I apologize." She looked down, her feet stumbling upon another pebble, her eyebrows narrowed as her boot kicked it away from her. The fire ninja raised an eyebrow at what she had just said.
"Apologize? No, don't apologize to him. You didn't do anything wrong nor did Lloyd. We should focus on a plan to defeat Garmadon once and for all however." The fire ninja tried to lift up her spirits. Though, his sister wasn't too convinced. Her gloom didn't fade away quickly like most of the guys. She was different, she actually thinks of the conflict at hand and puts her self-worth on the scale. "No I'm talking about when I yelled at him moments ago."

The four ninjas were confused at this point. Yeah, they sure did miss a lot.
There were conflicts happening left right and centre. First, there's the whole ordeal with the dark lord's diary, next, there's the argument between Ultra Violet and Harumi, after, there's the time where Killow, Lloyd, Mr. E and Harumi needed to escape Borg tower without getting caught by the lord himself. There were many other things actually. Like, when Garmadon faked his affection towards Lloyd and even dared live on the bounty temporarily. Now, they had to worry about escaping this rotten place. "When was that?" The master of earth stepped in, truly intrigued between the issue between the master of energy and master of water.

What Harumi was mostly contemplating about was the fact that the tables have pretty much turned on her. In the past, she was the one that used to see Lloyd, all tied up and defenceless. Now it was her turn to act like the prisoner, to have a mind-controlled Lloyd taunt her. She snapped out of her thoughts then looked at the guys. "Nya wasn't happy that we saved her the day she independently left the safe zone to defeat the stone colossi all alone." Harumi snickered lightly at her terrible explanation. Nya flinched at the mention, soon, the pair of eyes gleaming down on her. She sighed and let herself slide down against the wall. "Was I selfish that day? Was I really? You guys risked your lives and important gear that day. As common sense literally snapped inside of me, as you guys saved my life! I still yelled at Lloyd for coming to get me!" She ranted, "Im an awful person." She concluded.

Hearing everything, Jay shook his head and walked over to the devastated Nya. He sat down beside her and patted her on the shoulder. "You're not an awful person." He started, sanding a direct shake of head from Nya. "I shouldn't have yelled at him.." she whispered. Jay sighed and began to stroke her shoulder, wanting to give her a stronger form of comfort, he loved her after all, he didn't want to see her like this. "Nya, things like these happen. Trust me, it would be amazing if this world didn't have any problems. However, from each issue, we learn new things. We get to experience new things, you get an even bigger bond with one another. If you don't believe me, remember with the sky pirates? You wanted nothing to do with me but look at us now." He chuckled.

Nya was on the verge of being convinced. She wanted to make sure of one thing though, she turned to Harumi: "Do you think Lloyd's mad at me for yelling at him?" She questioned the white haired girl. Lloyd wasn't exactly that kind of person. He wouldn't be guilty for upsetting someone if he knew that what he did to affect their mood was right. Harumi surprisingly shook her head at what the water ninja just inquired. She calmly explained with a small smile, "Ofcourse not. He's just relieved that you were alright that day." that everything would turn out good for the water ninja. The smiles of the ninjas, of Harumi, warmed up Nya's heart. Right, she should leave this conflict for the future for now, when she can actually speak to Lloyd. For now, "Cheer up, show us your determined side."
Not only did the water ninja judged her self-worth, but someone else had the same thought but in a different scenario. On Borg tower's roof top, sat the dark lord on his throne. His mind was clouded with thoughts about their future at this point on. A frown was seen on the man's lips. "So much has happened. Ninjago city is basically under my grasp." He started, not realizing he was speaking out loud. Luckily, no one was in plain sight. Garmadon had a lot of things in mind.
He was relieved that he had managed to take over Ninjago city and show the rebelling citizens show was boss by terrifying them- but was he really satisfied about all that? Ultimately, "Apart of me feels that Lloyd doesn't deserve all this." He growled, hating these thoughts.

"It's too late to go back now huh? Lloyd will forever stay loyal to me, because well...I'm his father! He should have helped me with my reign in the first place." He figured, standing up from his throne. The frown never disappeared, no matter how hard Lord Garmadon tried. Why should he be worried in the first place? It seems that Lloyd didn't have any problem being of any use to him, the only times that annoyed and worried him were when he mentioned his common interest in that white haired thief. Just the thought of that Harumi disgusts her. He would rather be resurrected by his own son than this ruler-wannabe.
"I feel like what I'm doing to Lloyd is wrong. He should have his own will.." he thought once more. These thoughts...why did they keep appearing? Why now? They were so annoying, Garmadon didn't understand.

He was supposed to be heartless. He shouldn't have any emotions for anyone except Lloyd. Once the venom has been completely consumed inside of him, his heart was enclosed in darkness, hatred and desire to rule over any territory. Specially Ninjago city. He shut his eyes and pushed all of his thoughts aside as he looked down on his precious ruined city. "No, my son is happy. He will be happy." He concluded his feelings and decided to keep his control over his beloved son the same way it is. Unlike Nya, who immediately accepted to let go of these doubts, Lord Garmadon preferred to push them away with more greed.
A/N A rather short chapter! I know but either way, I really hope you enjoyed chapter 32 of Reconciled hearts, if you did, please leave a vote and comment down below what your thoughts are! Like Garmadon, don't push them away lol.
Anyways, I'll admit to you right now why this was short compared to my usual chapters. The plot wasn't very flexible, just Nya and Garmadon's reflections on the whole ordeal so far. Second reason is because of this annoying writing block I have at the moment. You know me and writing block. Worst thing for writers, I swear. So once again, I apologize for the lack of action in this chapter.
Alright, that's all I wanted to say! Cya guys!^^ Thanks for reading!

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