Chapter 60: Harumi's gratitude

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In a purple painted room with not much furniture, a dark figure stared down at a peaceful angel sleeping in the bed. It was still morning and a few days from their last contact. Both individuals had a rough time but were slowly opening up to eachother. It may not be the same admirable views that Harumi once had when she looked up at the man for total destruction upon her beloved city.
As for him, he never saw her as a trusty subordinate, but rather, someone of actual importance, an imperfect daughter. As the days passed, their bond with
one another considerably grew, no one knew If that should be a good thing or not. Garmadon sighed. "Look at this turn of events." He softly muttered.

For the past few days, he has given her breakfast and always listened when she bothered talking to him, the chances were scarce but he somehow enjoyed the little meddlesome conversations they've had. He also noticed that Harumi's smile became brighter in each and every compliment he's given her. Whether it was to remark her intelligence, her beauty and constant faith for her friends.
"Am I beginning to understand the feelings of a powerless being? Isn't that an Oni's most hated thing? The lack of ambition and power in these...." he couldn't continue his question. A tint of sadness washed over him. Well, he couldn't say such things about the white haired girl at this point.

Another sigh escaped the man, just what to do with this situation now that things ended up like this? He had no advisor nor yet anyone to support him for the de decisions he's made, he's the emperor after all, no one is superior than him. But just then, he couldn't say anything else for the communicator on his waist. "Sir, we need your inspection on the water pipes. They fell over again and there's currently a flood on floor 5." The voice of an SOG guard was heard.
The dark lord took out the communicator and with a salty expression, "I'll be right there. Don't touch anything." He demanded with strict orders.

The man stood up and glanced down at the sleeping girl one last time before
leaving the room without a sound. The door shut calmly and footsteps were heard in the corridors of the 9th floor. "And that's the last of it." quietly, the white haired girl opened her eyes to scan her surroundings. Nope, no one in sight. It seemed like the cost was clear, surprisingly. Carefully, Harumi slipped out of bed. "I'm surprised he left so quickly. Usually he stays here for a considerably long time.." she mumbled to herself, cautious of the fact that the dark lord may as well pop in at many times. "Can't be a false alarm that he's left for good right? A girl needs some time alone to plan." She said.

Her sharp eyes of the colour of black looked around a bit more. As Garmadon said before, this was a room accorded to her? It was a bit smaller than her previous room but it was good centimetre difference. She didn't mind the size, its the contents inside of the actual room that mattered to her. Like whether the bed would be comfy or if Garmadon had looked through her boxes. Ah, speaking of boxes and her private belongings. Harumi had spotted her familiar journal atop the lamp stand in the room. Garmadon did say that he flipped through the pages, gave it a good scan. For all she knew, his opinions on her definitely changed. Was it supposed to be a good thing or bad one?

Harumi grabbed the journal from the lampside table and hopped back in bed. She was still feeling particularly cold this morning and the windows were closed too. That's rather odd, or maybe today was meant to be a chilly day after all.
She flipped the book open and read through the words she had written at such young youth, it was almost nostalgic, to say the least. Attached to the book, there was a pen on a ribbon, when Harumi was still a child, she would used to write inside of the tiny book everyday so her parents thought that it would great to keep a pen around with it so she doesn't have to look for one, for let's say she was writing about her day at the park. She picked up the ribboned pen before flipping over to the newest and untouched page at the very middle of the book.

"How long has it been since I heard the tip of a pen graze gently against paper? For my hands to feel numb once more after writing for hours? For years to run dry through heartfelt moments that I relieve once more? Too long, that's for sure. Yet here I am, not wanting to ever go through my past once more, back to reading my book of secrets. I never wanted this in the first place, to recall why exactly I was cast aside. It's funny how the man that started my revenge became my most valuable one and how the one I idolized all my life became my sole target to rekindle true happiness. But you know, he made me realize something, something about myself. That I simply can't forget such a goal in my life, for several years, how much I yearned to be heard. But no one listened nor helped.

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