Chapter 38: Monarchy

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Lloyd wasn't sure if his eyesight was failing him at the moment or if he was actually dead from smacking into that streetlight, we never knew, his skull could have been fractured. The green ninja rubbed his eyes and blinked twice when the three individuals in front of him didn't disappear. This went on for the next five minutes before Hutchins snapped his fingers, earning Lloyd's attention. "What are you doing?" He questioned, his voice loud and clear. That single phrase right there confirmed so many of Lloyd's thoughts, "So I'm not dead?" He asked in response to what Hutchins had just said.

The man laughed, turning over to the emperor and empress. "Ofcourse not. We found you lying in the middle of the street." He affirmed to the blonde, who looked way more confused than he should of. Lloyd moved his hand to rub the back of his head. "What happened?" He inquired after hearing Hutchins' side of the story. In fact, the green ninja's story wasn't even clear to him. He was running, the hurt in his heart not leaving him one single bit. Yes, he remembered now. Garmadon has been giving him false affection once more.
Tea of truth or not, his father always seemed to get to him.

"You slammed into a street post thus becoming unconscious." The empress explained, refraining herself to not laugh a single bit at the matter and keep the formalities. She was the empress of Ninjago after all. The green ninja flinched at te explanation, so that's what happened to him afterwards. Well, he owes the royal family a 'thank you' for not just leaving him the hands of potential SOG guards. He pulled off his best smile for them- despite still being conflicted over his father's words. "I thank you guys for saving me." He told them sincerely. In response to that, the royal family lowered their heads.

"How did you not see where you were going though? Were you in a hurry that you suddenly didn't pay attention to your surroundings?" Hutchins asked, he was curious after all. Silence was present in the room they were in when Hutchins asked that. Not because Lloyd refused to answer them, but rather, he was contemplating whether or not he could trust the royal family with this problem after all. His eyes lifted to face the three adults in front of him. The emperor had his arms crossed, the empress looked concerned and Hutchins was simply waiting for a response. Lloyd bit his lip.

"I was running away. From my father." He gambled with his luck and went with the choice that involved less suspicion. Lloyd winced, witnessing the very second where the royal family's eyes widened upon processing that thought. "You mean Lord Garmadon? He's back?" The empress looked more worried than before. They knew his father was one of the most dangerous threats to Ninjago city and to think, all of this occurred because their adoptive daughter couldn't control her anger towards him. Lloyd shook his head, no, he must hold off the real story behind Garmadon's return for...probably never. The thought of Harumi getting scolded at would hurt his heart. He's supposed to protect her despite her being in the total wrong here.

He exhaled. "Yes he is. Me and the resistance are planning to stop him and his army." The green ninja explained, trying to regain his courage. He shouldn't move around all day because of simple words. He needed to be stronger. The emperor spoke up, leaning forward on the chair he was sitting on. "Who is this resistance you speak of?" He questioned. Now this was information that could be easily shared without a doubt, Lloyd had to be very careful of which words he uses to refer to the current apocalypse going on. "The resistance? A team created by me and Nya. You know, a band of heroes all teamed up together to rebel against the current emperor of Ninjago city." He explained, earning a slight twitch from the emperor himself.

He refrained himself from speaking however for it would cause unwanted havoc. Lloyd took this opportunity to look around at his surroundings. The walls had a droopy colour to them, the flooring planks were all scattered across the room, the furniture had dust clouds all over them, not to mention the light bulbs weren't working. "Where are we?" The blonde questioned, thinking that he shouldn't be in an environment like this. Hutchins chuckled and stood up from the chair he was sitting on. "Please relax. It's nowhere dangerous. We just brought you to the closest house we found on the block." The guard said.
Lloyd calmed down at that, he was safe.

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