Chapter 167: Vision

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Harumi had sat on the cold, slimy cement floor next to the sewer river, crying softly as she held herself into a ball.

Her sniffles didn't prevent her from hearing Jade, Lilla, and Kaitlynn's footsteps echoing in the tunnels though. "Go AWAY," she mumbled loudly. Harshly.
"No," Jade rejected her firmly and stood her ground. "It's gonna be OK, Harumi--"

"Not every story gets a happily ever after!" Harumi screamed, scrambling to her feet. She was breathing heavily, with a purplish tint in her eye, ready to throw hands and feet...and weapons.
The girls stayed silent, unmoving, tears welling in Lilla's eyes.
It was then that Harumi realized the predicament, and she completely broke down.
Heart-wrenching sobs echoed through the sewers as she dropped heavily onto her knees. "I...I'm a monster," she whispered through the salt on her lips. "I was going to...going to attack HURT YOU...I'm such a freak...Zephyr was right..."
"About?" Jade questioned.

"What he said to me that day we fought. H-he said that I was scared of my powers, scared that I would hurt you all, scared that I would become full-blooded..."

"That's not true, Harumi," Lilla objected. "Zephyr is wrong!"

Harumi shook her head. "I nearly attacked you!"
Jade pulled her into a hug. "We know it was an accident. It didn't happen."

Harumi looked away, admitting, "I've done such horrible things. You would hate me if you knew."
"Everyone has mistakes on them, and we always learn something, otherwise we're doomed to repeat them," Kaitlynn chided her.

Harumi went quiet, and the other three decided to leave her alone for a bit. She sat on the edge of the cement for a while, finally deciding it was time to talk to Lloyd, Garmadon, and Cloud about what had happened. Just as she was getting to her feet, she heard slow, mocking applause from behind her.
Harumi turned around, and much to her dismay, saw Zephyr.

"How did you find me?" she asked emotionlessly, while her fists clenched.

Zephyr cackled mockingly as Harumi turned away, not looking at him.

"You were wrong," she informed him. "My friends LOVE me. They would never abandon me, even if I accidentally attacked them."

Zephyr laughed again. "And just how do you know you can trust them? You've been betrayed before, Harumi."

Harumi faltered, and he managed to land a few hits on her chest and arms.

The others came flying back when they heard the sounds of a struggle, and screeched to a halt nearby.
"We have to help her!" Jade shouted. "She can't take him alone, not in her current state!"

The others hesitated, but Jade ran toward Harumi, drawing Greta out from her backpack.
Harumi was knocked onto the ground, Zephyr hovering over her, ready to strike, and she closed her eyes, until she didn't feel the blade come down.
She opened them to see Jade swing her bat at Zephyr, albeit struggling, not knowing how much longer she could last.

Harumi gasped and suddenly sat a little easier. Despite the fight in front of her, the lead weight in her stomach felt a lot lighter when she saw Jade fighting for her.

Lilla and Kaitlynn helped Jade keep the sword away from Harumi, and Jade grinned, even laughed.
"We got you girls," Lilla told her confidently, aiming a hit at Zephyr's hands. Harumi smiled widely, while Zephyr continued to try to break her confidence.
"You are no match for me!" he bellowed. "The Resistance WILL fall!"

Harumi sobered a bit, remembering Garmadon saying the same thing a few years back, while the girls held their own against the spellcaster. Zephyr pushed the sword down, but suddenly he let go.
The girls held back, confused, watching him mumble something underneath his breath, and then suddenly, he blasted him with a burst of power, trying as hard as he could to hit them. But Jade, who had some cheerleading experience, jumped and dodged the blasts.

Kaitlynn ran over to help Harumi up. "We need to leave, ASAP."

"Not so fast," Zephyr quickly blocked their way to the exit, but he didn't see Greta flying full speed at his skull, and he was knocked out yet again.
The girls smiled, and Jade brushed it off. "Let's go before he wakes up!"

They all ran from there, leaving the spellcaster alone, unconscious.

Whose idea it was to go to Chen's Noodle House, Harumi didn't remember. What she did remember was that she barely touched her food the whole time.
"We won't let him touch you, Harumi," Lilla calmed her soothingly.

"It's not just Zephyr. I've had worse problems before," she admitted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jade asked, pausing mid-bite, her fork hovering in the air.
Harumi stared out the window silently, before carefully replying, "Zephyr messed with me psychologically, emotionally, and mentally. What's the word..."

Jade turned serious. "What did he do?"
Harumi sighed. "He gave me these horrible, horrible nightmares. Every time I slept, I woke up fearing for my life. They were awful."

"I don't mean to sound rude, but, what were they?" Kaitlynn asked quietly.

"Cloud was killed in one," Harumi deadpanned, as the girls gasped. "Another, I was trapped inside a burning building, another, Garmadon decided to kill me, of them, Jade's death."

No one knew what to say or do as the girl sat there, her heart burning. Jade came around the table and wrapped her arms around Harumi, as the other two followed, as Lloyd and Cloud felt terrible.
The small Pomeranian jumped into her owner's lap while Lloyd was the last to hug Harumi, as well as apologize for...everything. Cloud did too; Garmadon felt bad, but as usual, didn't show it.

After taking in all the apologies, Harumi sniffed again. "Part of me thinks I deserved it all."
Lloyd jumped up instinctively at that, shaking his head sadly. "No, Harumi, you don't. No one does. Despite what you did, you don't deserve any of it. I love you so much."

"I love you too," she said quietly, meaning every word of it.

He leaned in to kiss her but was interrupted by Cloud's shocked voice.

"NIX?" she questioned incredulously.
A swirl of bright white light opened, hovering in the air above them, and it seemed to be a portal showing what was happening in other places.

Harumi looked through it and saw the Oni temple. Ignoring the bad memories floating in the back of her mind, she tried to focus on Nix, Opal, Mistaké and Mirage, who were tied around a small stone base in the center, where the Mask of Hatred used to rest.
"I'll give you an offer, Harumi. Come to the Temple alone, and I won't kill your precious friends. Or," Zephyr chuckled, "face the consequences."
Harumi growled, her eyes turning purple, though no one noticed. They only stayed like that for a moment, before snapping back to normal.
She rushed out of the Noodle House, not responding to the others calling her back.

"Harumi, please come back," Jade said calmly.
The tone she used made her blood stop burning, and Harumi stopped.

"What?" she said finally, slightly annoyed.
"You can't go alone," Jade told her, as if it was obvious.

"It's definitely a trap," Kaitlynn grumbled.
"It's what Zephyr wants," Lilla tried to reason with her too.

Harumi went silent.

"When you were the Quiet One," Jade said carefully, not missing the girl's silent wince, "you made the mistake of working alone. Now you have us! And you don't need to bury your feelings anymore, it's not good for you. We're here to help you. Let us."
Harumi turned to the others wordlessly, and even Garmadon looked less grumpy for once.
"What's the plan?"

(A/N: Hiiiiiiii guyyyysss It's Ash again! I was expecting this chapter to be longer, but apparently not. How are all of you?? My school year is over already, but for those of you who have tests/exams/finals coming up, GOOD LUCK!)

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