50 | a second chance

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"You saying that you and Jeongguk broke up?" Hoseok asked in disbelief, almost choking on his sprite the moment Taehyung informed.

"That's what I am saying." Taehyung hummed softly, his insides bursting because of the overflowing of all types of feelings.

"Why the hell? You were so happy. What the fuck did he do?" the purple haired male got a hint about Jeongguk doing something cause he remembers how happy Taehyung sounded whenever he talked about their relationship, how he was always talking about Jeongguk.

"Nothing, it's just I don't think we can work." Taehyung lied, taking a bite of that sandwich he ordered.

"Do you think I am a fool. Tell me what happened?" Hoseok insisted, holding onto the other's hand that was resting on the table, "I am your friend, Tae."

"Hoseokkie, it's―" Taehyung trailed off, he knew Hoseok won't stay quiet after he tells him the truth, he knew he would go after Jeongguk and that's why, he can't say it.

"It's nothing, I just don't think we were meant to be y'know. It's I can't explain." Taehyung avoided eye contact with the other, his eyes looking everywhere other than the other's face.

"So that's how it is. You won't tell me. It's fine, I can't force you." Hoseok sighed, ruffling the latter's hair, "I know it's Jeongguk who fucked up but won't ask why. He is gonna regret it so much cause you're the best."

"No, I am not." Taehyung pulled up a faint smile, "Let's not talk about this again. What's in the past stays in the past."

The whole day, Taehyung had been avoiding Jeongguk, he didn't sit beside him, he was running away when he saw him in the corridor, he made sure not to cross path in anyway.

Why? He didn't want to see that face― puffy eyes, rosy nose and red ear tips, he can't stand the fact that Jeongguk was crying so hard, he doesn't want to get reminded of that every two seconds.

But unfortunately, they live in the same room, they share the same room and there's no way he can ignore the other at this point.

"Tae." the raven head called, taking the attention of the boy busy studying. Well he was just pretending to study cause all he could think of was his ex boyfriend.

"What?" he mumbled, his voice small he spoke and looked up. He saw the other holding out a pack of potato snacks, "You must be hungry."

"No, you can eat it. I am not hungry." the red head replied, again focussing on the text book but felt the space beside him getting occupied by his best friend.

He didn't look over his shoulder, he kept his eyes fixed down at the words, but nothing of them was something he could comprehend.

He was stunned when Jeongguk pushed his soft lips on his cheeks and gave a small peck, "I can't breath baby."

Those soft whispers were something that made Taehyung weak, he gulped and finally faced the other whose face was just inches away from his.

"What do you want me to do?" Taehyung snapped, scooting away from the other. Jeongguk noticed that and just drew his bottom lip in, chewing on it; the sole reason was to keep those tears in.

"I am so sorry."

"Jeongguk, I am not blaming you but also at the same time I am. Listen I already made it clear that I wanted something serious, something that would last for a long time. Nothing lasts forever and I just said it on a whim―" Taehyung paused for a moment.

"But the fact that you can't even imagine me after a year is what broke my heart. Is a year with me even something you can't think of."

"I am sorry but I like you very much and letting you close to me now, I might fall in love." Taehyung cupped the other's cheeks and booped their noses.

Resting their foreheads together, they stayed quiet for a moment before the red head began, "I don't want to be hurt at the end. So ending this right now is what's right. We both hurting the same way. It's fair."

"Taehyung." Jeongguk called only to wrap his arms around his ex boyfriend's waist and hug him tightly, "You're so special to me, baby. I can't let you go, please give me one last chance."

"Only to get hurt in the end? You surely don't want me in the way I want you and it's okay." Taehyung whispered against Jeongguk's ear, kissing the spot.

"Please. I won't disappoint this time." Jeongguk literally pressed Taehyung more in the hug as if he didn't want to leave anytime soon.

"I am not disappointed, it's not your fault that you don't feel the same, the only thing I am mad at is that you didn't tell me this earlier― that I was just a pastime, just a try for you."

Even though Taehyung said it multiple times that he wasn't mad or didn't blame the other but Jeongguk knew it was all his fault, he should've told this earlier. Only then Taehyung might've been a little more careful.

"I can't be your best friend anymore, you will always be something more than that." Jeongguk finally pulled away and it was his turn to caress the other's cheek, "What do I do with these feelings then? Maybe I thought we can't last for long but actually we can, right?"

"One last chance is all I ask." Jeongguk with the most sincere tone said, his eyes boring into the others.

"That's just your conscience working, Jeongguk. You don't want to hurt me and that's making you think like this. It's more like maybe you just think you can change your mindset but actually you can't."

"I am sorry but giving you a second chance will leave me in pieces and I know it."


50 chaps owo

okay jeongguk's blond
im malfunctioning
im not okay hjwjjs

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