32 | piggy back rides

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"Oh God, Gguk. This is the best." Taehyung's mouth watered, his eyes scanning the bowl filled with aromatic beef broth, with firm boiled noodles floating in it. He could literally see the hot steam and couldn't resist himself anymore.

Quickly grabbing a pair of chopsticks, he gave the dish a stir. He leaned closer to get an aroma and once he did, his stomach grumbled wanting that delicious thing in.

"This is the only best thing I can give you cause I only am doing one part time job these days and most of it went to repay Yoongi hyung." Jeongguk massaged his temples and while Taehyung nodded with a mouthful of ramen.

"Your soon to be boyfriend is broke as fuck!" Jeongguk said and stared at the other happily eating the bowl of ramen he just brought him.

"Is this the reason you ain't eating?" Taehyung pointed out, slurping some of that spicy broth but not that over powering, the right amount, he can handle type and Jeongguk just looked away, embarrassed, "No, it's just I am not hungry."

"Let me buy something for you." Taehyung said sliding that worn out menu card of the small road side ramen stall but Jeongguk rested his palm on the card stopping him, "I brought you out and you can't buy anything for me. And I am not hungry."

"Is that a rule?" Taehyung said breaking the soft boiled egg into half,a smile creeping on the corner of his lips as the he saw the almost runny yolk, "It's okay to be broke."

"Nah, babe. I am fine." Jeongguk smiled and saw the other eating. It was enough for him at the moment but damn, that food was looking delicious.

Taehyung smiled softly and pulled up some ramen noodles with the help of chopsticks and held them in front of Jeongguk's lips, mumbling, "Eat."

Jeongguk ate that with a goofy smile and before he could finish chewing on it, Taehyung stuffed a big of meat in, "We can share you know."

"And Gguk, I'mma start working at the Cafe Epiphany from the day after tomorrow and the owner is looking for some more people, so if you want―" Taehyung made a loud slurping noise and Jeongguk giggled at that before giving this a thought.

He and Taehyung working together.

That's certainly a great idea.

They both can spend some time together, even though the pressure of work will be there but still―

He was obviously up for it.

"It would be lovely if I get the job as well." Jeongguk pulled himself up a little and wiped the oil at the corner of the other's lips, "You're such a messy eater. You need to slow down."

"Bro―" Taehyung cut himself off and laughed for a moment, "I mean, babe."

"This shit is too confusing. I am out." Taehyung made Jeongguk eat some more and himself ate the rest.

"I am so full right now." Taehyung rubbed his tummy as he stood up, Jeongguk followed.

The raven head paid for the ramen and they were again walking to no where in particular. Just taking steps ahead without exchanging any words.

"I am just so full that I don't even wanna walk. Ugh!" Taehyung groaned and lazily dragged himself which made Jeongguk grin.

"Get on my back." Jeongguk abruptly said and Taehyung stopped in the middle of the tracks, "Seriously?"

Jeongguk nodded and that smile Taehyung gave after that was priceless.

"Yeah." Jeongguk pinched Taehyung's cheeks before ruffling his hair, "C'mon, the offer ends in 3, 2, 1...."

The red head was already trying to get on Jeongguk's back and he successfully did it. He giggled when Jeongguk wrapped his arms around his legs those we're crossed around his waist, "Lesgo! Jeongoo!"

"You know what―" Taehyung paused for a moment, resting his chin on the others right shoulder who hummed in response.

"I never ever thought or even dreamt about you and me in this way. This feels so weird yet so exciting." Taehyung said, more like whispered and Jeongguk sucked in a sharp breath, feeling the other's heartbeat against his skin.

"Hey this is gonna work right?"

"You mean us?" Jeongguk asked.

"Of course, dummy. What else am I talking about, stupid?" Taehyung sighed, tightening his hold around Jeongguk's neck, "Of course, it's us, I am talking about."

"About that Taehyung―"

"Okay what if you were standing in somewhere from where you don't have a way back? The way ahead could lead you to a safe place or even somewhere even worse. So tell me what would you do? Stay where you are or walk ahead?" Jeongguk asked.

"And why the hell are you asking me that, hmm?"

"Just answer."

"I would probably walked ahead cause there is no way back." Taehyung answered quick and Jeongguk now took a turn that leads to the road to their dormitory.

"Now we both can't go back to being friends again and the only way is to move ahead, try things together. Understood? Now stop asking about the future." Jeongguk explained.

"You could've just said that instead of coming up with all that bullshit, Jeon."


Jeongguk was busy with his homeworks and looked over his shoulder at the other who was dozing off while his notebook rested on his lap.

"Sleep now." Jeongguk pulled the notebook from his roommate and smiled when Taehyung with half lidded eyes gave him a glance, "But I am still not done with my HW, Gguk."

"Mrs. Lee will kill me if I didn't complete this." Taehyung was too tired and just wanted to sleep.

"Just sleep. I will finish your one as well." Jeongguk cupped the other's cheeks and scooted closer only to push his lips against Taehyung's forehead, "Just rest, okay?"

"You're so sweet, Gguk. I will give you a kiss tomorrow, I promise." Taehyung giggled drowsily, and let himself fall on his back.

He pulled one pillow and cuddled with it before giving Jeongguk a faint smile, "Goodnight, Googie."

"Sleep tight."


i feel like this book
will go up to 60 chaps
cause i still have to
hit you with that angst-

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