29 | a chance together

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Taehyung still couldn't believe this big transformation of his best friend. He still didn't get over that kiss they shared. The more he thought about, the more unreal it seemed. He was still debating if it was a dream or not.

"Here, I got a chocolate bar." Jeongguk threw the packet that was on the study table towards Taehyung laying on stomach, listening to some quality music.

Taehyung was great at catching and he got that accurate catch. Jeongguk smiled seeing that and swiveled around that chair, his arms crossing over his chest, "Chocolate, for that kiss."

"So if we kiss again, I will get another chocolate?" Taehyung asked raising one of his eyebrows tearing the packet and taking a small bite.

"What 'if'? We are obviously kissing again." Jeongguk said with duh tone and Taehyung scrunched his nose up in disgust, "Eww, Jeon Jeongguk. You're so gay."

"But tell me, aren't we gonna kiss again?" Jeongguk wriggled his brows mischievously while Taehyung fake gagged.

"Eww never again. You're such a bad kisser." the red head mocked which was of course a lie. Totally not bothered, he took another bite of the chocolate bar and looked over at his roommate, "Yeah, fuckface, you need to improve a lot."

Jeongguk let out a small chuckle.

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he took another bite but almost choked hearing Jeongguk speak, "Then why don't you teach me? I will surely improve."

"I swear to God, Jeongguk― stop being so gay, this ain't normal. At this point, I think this is all fake and I am dreaming. Stop behaving like this." Taehyung said with a mouthful of food and Jeongguk nodded, "I know right, Tae."

"Even I am surprised. I never knew I would be this gay. Even last night when you were sleeping, I pecked your lips. Sorry, not sorry." Jeongguk revealed and Taehyung widened his eyes.

"You did what, bro?" Taehyung asked glaring but his gaze softened when he imagined the moment.

"I regretted pushing you away cause damn, your lips are so soft―" Taehyung was awestruck to hear those words. Only if Jeongguk wasn't dealing with these thoughts alone and told him about these then he wouldn't have felt this guilty.

"I thought maybe we are better as bros but no maybe, we aren't supposed to be just friends." Jeongguk said and the chocolate bar was long forgotten by Taehyung. He was processing everything the other was saying.

"It's been a week or so―" Jeongguk paused.

"I even started getting wet dreams about you, Tae."

"Before I told you everything, I wanted to be very sure. But you were just about to date your perfect man and left me with no other choice." Jeongguk explained and finally got up the chair, the creaking noise in the background loud and clear cause the room was filled with pin drop silence.

"Honestly, Namjoonie is perfect, he is funny, smart and all the things I ever want in a boyfriend and thought, he could be the one, but maybe I love imperfection. I shouldn't have led him on before I was sure about him." Taehyung regretted and now didn't know how he will talk to the senior.

"See, I told you not to rush."

"How long, Gguk?" Taehyung almost whispered, "How long have I been on your mind, hmm?"

"It's been some days, I am thinking about you, first I discarded those thoughts but your pretty face just;; ugh!" the raven head had a stupid grin on his lips as he walked ahead.

"Hey, I have been thinking about you a lot too, Gguk, but what if it's just an infatuation?" Taehyung cupped the other's face when Jeongguk got on the bed and caged him between his arms.

"What if I am looking for someone to love in you and you're looking for a replacement for Violet in me? What if we are just lonely and finding solace in each other?" Taehyung was pushed on the matress as Jeongguk leaned down, mumbling, "Violet is nothing in front of you, Tae. Don't degrade your ass by calling yourself her replacement."

"She was the biggest mistake of my life, Tae that I still regret. I hurt you for her." the guilt in his voice was evident to Taehyung and he smiled, brushing his long, slender fingers through the other's curly, black hair.

"All these things are so new, Jeongguk. Hope we don't end up getting hurt in the end." Taehyung said in a low voice but still very clear for the other as he was so close to him.

Jeongguk noticed their syncing heartbeats and rubbed the tip of his nose on Taehyung's, "Liking your best friend is dangerous. You risk the most beautiful bond for everything or nothing. But I think it's worth it."

"No, it's for everything and everything cause even if this doesn't work out, we would still be friends, m'kay?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk nodded.

"But in reality, does everything gets back to how it was? That friendship is surely affected." Jeongguk said what he thought and Taehyung's held his breath for a moment before pushing the other off him, "Then I don't want this."

Jeongguk ended up falling beside him and sat up following Taehyung.

"Hey―" Jeongguk chuckled, holding Taehyung's hand, "If all the people thought about consequences before doing anything, wouldn't everything be too easy and perfect and gorgeous― you don't like perfect."

"Jeongguk." Taehyung called.

"You sure don't wanna regret later when I get another boy right?" Jeongguk with a tease in his voice said and Taehyung knitted his brows before glaring at him.

"You're straight! The only boy you get to kiss or date is me. Got it?" Taehyung sternly said while Jeongguk smiled, "So, don't over think about it."

"Let's go to the amusement park tomorrow? What say?" Jeongguk asked.


so i already had a bad cold and
now got a fever and so i am resting

so thought of writing another chapter

hope you enjoyed it <333

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