13 | the delusional one

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"It was you." Taehyung finally grew the balls to say it which was totally unbelievable for the other. He couldn't just believe him ears.

"I made you cry―" Jeongguk trailed off and Taehyung stood up. They have a eye contact before he snapped.

"Yeah fucker, it was you." Taehyung poked his bestie's chest with his pointer finger. His voice was loud and clear. No chance Jeongguk heard it wrong.

"I can never do that Tae. You're my best friend." Jeongguk shook his head no taking a step closer, "I can never―" and firmly wrapped his arms around his bestie's waist before tightly hugging him but Taehyung didn't hug him back.

"But you did." Taehyung pushed him away, "For that girl Jeongguk, you hurt me. Not once, not twice, over and over again."

Taehyung again felt the tears rushing down and he didn't stop them right now, he didn't conceal how much the raven head hurt him and wanted him to know it all, "She is so much more important that I am to you."

"She isn't a good girl Jeongguk. Why don't you understand? She is trying to create differences between us." Taehyung again settled on his previous spot and Jeongguk was still there standing.

"She said sorry, Tae."

"Saying sorry is very easy Gguk but what matters is feeling it and Violet obviously doesn't feel feel it." Taehyung looked away in disbelief.

"You know what― lately you talk like your V's boyfriend, not like my best friend anymore." Taehyung choked back on his tears and saw Jeongguk's jaw going firm as he looked down.

"She is your ex girlfriend and she doesn't date someone for a long time but that doesn't mean she is coming between us." Jeongguk tried to explain but whatever Taehyung saw and after the challenge, he can never agree with the things Jeongguk said.

But he won't talk about it cause he can't even imagine how it will feel when he will tell Jeongguk about the challenge and he will still not believe.

That point, he probably won't even want to see Jeongguk so he just let it be, "You know what, I don't wanna talk to you anymore. I wish you cared for me as much I care for you."

"I can't give you the best of me if you can't reciprocate it." Taehyung was done talking and crawled into the bed. His head got buried in the soft pillow and he low-key kinda wished Jeongguk to come and say something but he didn't.

Taehyung heard the door slam and when he checked, the other was already out of the room.

"I guess I had too high expectations from you." the red head murmured stuffed his face in the pillow to cry his heart out once again.


Jeongguk fumbled with the door keys as he with great difficulty managed himself to stand on his feet. Min Yoongi, a year senior than them always had alcohol beverages. He borrowed three bottles of beer from him today that he needs to pay for the next day.

Jeongguk and Taehyung tried alcohol for the first time and that time too, it also was from Min Yoongi's stock.

Drinking wasn't allowed and coming back to the dorm without being sober― Jeongguk was fucked if someone found out.

Luckily he managed to get the past the guard without being suspicious and finally got into the room catching Taehyung's attention who was busy reading his textbook.

Taehyung didn't utter a single word and eyed the other who made his way to his bed with wobbly steps.

"Are you drunk or what, punk!" Taehyung questioned, his voice laced with worry seeing his best friend's face all red. He knew Jeongguk wasn't that good with this alcohol stuff.

"You―" Taehyung left his text book on the bed and rushed to Jeongguk laying on the bed struggling with taking his pair of converse off.

"You shouldn't be friends with someone who doesn't care for you." Jeongguk whispered, tears pooling out of his onyx eyes, "I made you cry."

"You shouldn't be with me!" Jeongguk pushed Taehyung away who sat beside him but the impact wasn't much as Taehyung didn't even nudge.

"Can I ask you something?" Taehyung asked and Jeongguk who was hardly keeping his eyes open scoffed.

"What? You wanna know if I fuck her better than you did? Bro if you wanna ask that, don't. Cause I don't wanna break your heart." Jeongguk spat, his mind totally out of control. He was speaking whatever came to his mind.

"No, I just wanna ask if you miss
me?" Taehyung asked in a low voice, while Jeongguk closed his eyes when it was too hard to keep them open.

Taehyung got it that Jeongguk passed out and let out a long sigh, "I wished Violet wasn't there. Everything would be so much better. I wish you didn't say yes to her. I just―"

The red head trailed off, he knew no one was listening and he was just babbling to himself which was of no use.

"If you wanna be with that girl Jeongguk then I can't be with you." Taehyung stared at the sleeping figure and ran his fingers through his hair which was sticky due to sweat.

"I was so confident that I am more important but I guess I was being delusional." the disappointment in his voice was clear and his thoughts about him and Jeongguk's friendship in future was vague.

"I was the one being delusional. Not Violet."


ayyy sorry for the short chapter!

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