18 | mini snickers

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Somethings never change. One of them was Jeongguk and Taehyung's movie nights. Both of them laying on their chests, their shoulders pressed against each others with one of their laptops in front.

"Bro, let's watch some porn together." Jeongguk suggested and Taehyung groaned, "Not in a mood right now, I am up for some action right now."

"You boring." Jeongguk sighed when Taehyung chose Netflix instead of pornhub to which the red head laughed, "I know you have been sex deprived for a day because of your break up but still-"

"What do you mean? I don't fuck every day, who does?" Jeongguk stole a glance over his shoulder at Taehyung who whispered, "Your V does, almost everyday."

"Hey don't call her that. It was a mistake, she is a bitch, you're my V." Jeongguk smiled staring at his best friend making him smile before he focussed on the screen.

They chose one action movie but soon it got boring and both of them were just staring at the screen, not quite interested, waiting for it just end already.

"Fuck it." Jeongguk sighed watching the credits rolling before glancing at his roomie.

"I missed us, Jeongguk." Taehyung whispered, tracing the other's cheeks with his thumb, "Very much."

"I am so sorry." Jeongguk apologized for probably the hundredth time now and scooted closer only for throwing his arm over the other's back.

It was shocking to the red head when he felt the other's soft lips on his cheek, "Hope this makes it up."

Taehyung stayed silent for some moments not believing what Jeongguk just did. It wasn't something they do and this small act was surely making his mind think a lot of things but not to make it awkward as he has been staring at the other for a while now, he scrunched up his nose in disgust wiping his cheek, "Eww."

"Gay." Taehyung laughed pushing the other, "No homo, bro."

"It was just a kiss on the cheeks, bro. What the hell!" Jeongguk knitted his brows before sitting up, "And Tae, do you remember what Hobi hyung said? We look like boyfriends."

Jeongguk wriggled his brows causing Taehyung shake his head in disappointment, "Don't dream babe, cause I will only date classy bitches, stupid boys like you ain't even in my list."

"Dude, everyone is a simp for me and you- I just wonder how you never saw me in that way." Jeongguk huffed and puffed his cheeks filling them with air which made the other smile at how cute he was looking.

"Why, Gguk? You want me to see you in that way, hmm?" the red head asked, moving closer, a smirk adorning his lips.

Jeongguk laughed.

"Now shut up your pretty mouth and go to sleep. It's already late and we got classes in some hours." Taehyung fake cried and kicked the blanket in frustration.


"Gguk, fucker wake the fuck up!" Taehyung shook his best friend by his shoulders and laughed when Jeongguk abruptly opened his eyes saying, "What happened?"

"We are getting late." Taehyung informed getting off the bed and sighed when the other again stuffed his head in the pillow, "Five minutes more, please."

"I am leaving." Taehyung announced that made Jeongguk groan, "Alright, keep a seat for me and don't let Hoseokkie take my place."

"Eh, I will think about it." Taehyung walked out laughing a little.


"Bitch, I told you to keep a seat for me and you couldn't do that?" Jeongguk angrily said after the first class ended and they all were walking to their second class.

Instead of taking five minutes, Jeongguk ended up taking a lot of time and walked in the classroom just before the class started. As a consequence, he was too late and the seat beside Taehyung was taken by someone else.

Of course, Taehyung tried but after denying almost fifteen people, he really thought Jeongguk would skip the first class and let a boy sit beside him, "I tried, Gguk."

"Uhm hey." Taehyung noticed Namjoon ahead in front of his locker and was surprised, "You here, hyung."

"Yeah remember, you told me to bring chocolates for you yesterday?" Namjoon held out a big pack of mini Snickers bar to which Taehyung's face lit up, "Oh God, I was kidding, hyung."

Namjoon scratched the back of his neck and smiled shyly, "It's fine."

Namjoon handed the packet to the other with a grin on his face and took a step closer only to ruffle Taehyung's hair causing him to laugh.

"I got a class. Gotta rush." he excused and started running before Taehyung could say anything.

"Okay what's happening? Let your sis know the tea God damnit!" Hoseok dramatically yelled while Jeongguk knitted his brows at this.

"Nothing is happening, yesterday in our chat, I just joked that he needs to buy me chocolates and now he did." Taehyung smiled locking the packet in his locker to which Hoseok protested, "Hoe, are you planning on eating them alone? If yes, you are cancelled."

"Of course I'm gonna share fuckface, but now we have classes." Taehyung replied and then looked at Jeongguk who didn't say a word, "I am gonna give you too Gguk, don't worry, cheer up, mate!"

"So are you guys close? I mean you met just some days ago and he is already buying things for you." the raven head asked as they began walking to their class again.

"Actually we text a lot." Taehyung informed, "I mean he was probably the only one I texted in these days. He speaks science language but still kept me from losing my shit because of Violet honestly."

"He is fun person. Really cool!" Taehyung exclaimed and Jeongguk didn't like the amount of enthusiasm in his voice, it was annoying him that when he was fucking around, Taehyung got another friend who gives him chocolates and also blushes.

Yeah, Jeongguk noticed how Namjoon's cheeks had that crimson tint on them. It was so evident.

"Is this a new ship, huh Taehyung?" Hoseok elbowed the one who laughed as they entered the classroom, "I think he likes you, I mean maybe he does."

"No, of course not! He just is very kind." the red head shrugged his shoulders before settling on a seat in the back, "But he is cute though."

"I don't think he likes you. He just gave you chocolates, so chill dude." Jeongguk rolled his eyes grabbing the seat beside Taehyung's who nodded.

"Okay but what if he does? Would you date him or nah?" Hoseok asked.

"Uhm, about that―"


so sorry for not
updating guys !

&& hope you are
still enjoying this

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