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Katniss POV:
Come to think of it I haven't seen Shauna in a while.
"Peeta,where did you last see Shauna?"
"Umm, right before the explosion?"
He says it more of a question than a statement. This just tells me he has no clue.
"Do you think she's..."
"No, she's a very intelligent and strong girl, I think she is still alive and well, we just have to find her, okay?"
"Okay." For some reason this soothes me. Peeta always has a way with words. He always knows how to make me feel better, no matter what situation were in. Something out of nowhere pops into my head.
"What kind of baby were you?"
"Is that a serious question?"
"Yep." I kind of think he would be the kind of kid that ran into walls and apologized to them. He was always more worried about me than himself.
"Well i th-.." He's cut off by voices.
"Yeah, maybe when we find them, we should just kill them on the spot."
"No, thats to simple, they cant be together or were the ones to get killed."
"Just find them and injure one to kill the other, then you can kill the injured one. It'll probably be Peeta" The comment is followed by laughs.
"He'll be like 'Katniss nooo, i'll stay with you always!" I cant believe what i'm hearing,
Or more like hearing it come from Shauna.
Oooh is Shauna a traitor?
Also sorry for the shortish chapter and the forever long wait! But tragedy is yet to come!!

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