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"Wake up, Wake up, We've got a big, big day ahead of us"! Effie exclaims. "First, we have to meet up with your stylists, then I have to walk you through your schedules, then we have to go find the chariots. So we have no time to lose"! Wonderful, now Effie is going to have a panic attack sooner or later. Peeta takes his arm from around me and gets up. "Can I take a shower"? "No,no, your prep team will take care of that. Just get dressed. Okay". "
Okay, thank you Effie". I go to my dresser and I open s drawer. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch a glimpse of gold. I move over and start looking. Then I find the medallion Peeta gave me in the second arena. No one to go back home to now. I put on a grey tank top, and some black leggings. I'm about to walk through the door, when my prep team bursts in through the door. "Katniss, Hello"! Before I respond they all hug me. "I am so sorry, you don't deserve to go back". Octavia says to me with a saddened look. "Yeah, that's what I thought too". I mutter. "Anyway" Flavius starts "lets get you all fixed up for Raymeir, your new stylist"! I wish Cinna was here. He was comfortable, and anti-crazy. They drag me into the bathroom. They fill it with some pink, liquid/goop. It smells horrid. I wrinkle my nose at the smell. They strip me of my clothes, then I step into the bath. Its warm, but the stuff clings to my body. I can't really move. Octavia starts to work on my nails and she complains, "Katniss, you have left me nothing to work with". Its true, I have been biting my nails out of anxiety. She just files the jagged ends and winds up putting acrylic on my nails. Or at least what's left of them. It turns out the pink stuff was wax. Flavius rips off the pieces of paper he had been applying to me. I wince at each one. It hurts really bad. Once I am done, I run my fingers over my hairless body. I look in the mirror, my scars are very vivid without the hair. Venia puts makeup over my scars. The stuff works magic because once she's done, they are no longer visible. They throw a robe on me and take me to my new stylist.
"Why hello Katniss, or should I say, girl on fire". "I don't go by that anymore, it's just Katniss now". "Ahh, we will have to change that". Raymeir looks normal for the most part. Except for the design he has in his haircut, and his light green lip liner, he is your average person. "So, I hear you like to play with fire". "I guess". Well, I have got something for you. He leaves, and then comes back with a longish black dress. Its longer in the back than it is in the front. "Put it on, and tell me if you like it, okay"? I take my robe off. I don't know why, but I can't stand to see other people naked, but I'm fine being naked in front of others. I slip on the dress and it fits perfectly. "Its perfect". "That's not all of it", he hands me a bracelet with two buttons. "Press this button". I do and the dress goes up in flames. "Don't press the other one until your in your chariot, okay? Ahh, I almost forgot". He clips my mockingjay pin on my dress. "Where did you find this"? It was found in the clean up of the old arena". "Thank You". I hug him. Raymeir makes me feel safe, just like Cinna did. "You'll always be the 'Girl on Fire' to me".

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