Life over Death

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I lean against a tree.
Each cannon I hear, I get even more worried. Each of those cannons could mark Peeta's death.
I have now heard five cannons. 19 tributes are left.
I'm not allied with anybody. That's not good. I get up. I grab my bow, bag, and parcel.
I leave to go find a place to set camp.
I can barely see anything. I put my hands in front of myself.
There's a rustling of leaves near by.
I lift up my bow and try to put an arrow in. I can't do it. My arm won't stop shaking. I look at it and see a dark splotch on it. I feel something whiz past my ear. I look around and see six people surrounding me.
I can't run because I'm surrounded and I can't kill because my arm is messed up.
I hear somebody walk up to me.
They yank the bow from me and take the quiver of arrows.
Then I hear yelling and screams of agony. Silence. Boom. Boom. Boom
I look up and see 3 people dead on the ground.
"Get up, we need to get out of here."
I recognize the voice instantly.
I listen and I follow her. She leads me to a tree.
"You can still climb? Right?"
I put the parcel in my bag and a slide my bag back on.
Shauna boosts me up to a branch and I latch on.
"Take my hand" I tell her.
She grabs it and I pull her up.
"Keep going up"
I climb higher and higher.
It is extremely cold up here.
I begin to shiver, my teeth are chattering.
"This is high enough" she says.
I lean my back on the trunk and my legs are propped on a thick branch.
I open my bag.
Night vision glasses, these will come in handy.
I put them on to see what I have.
Dried mango, a few pieces of non-perishable bread, a water canister, gloves, and a knife.
I look at the metal parcel. I try to open it but it won't budge. I examine it. There are buttons on it. There is also a small screen. I guess I will have to look more closely at it tomorrow during the day. I hear another cannon.
The anthem comes on.
I have been dreading this moment.
Seth District One
Aysia District Three
Korra and Matthew District Four
Kai District Six
Astrid District Seven
Cedar District Eight
Spruce District Ten
Wisteria District Eleven
The anthem shuts off.
Nine people dead. Just for the little time we have been here.
This arena is more lethal than I thought.

District Twelve victors might not come out alive.

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