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Katniss POV:
"Please, don't"! I say in a hoarse voice. I have now been here for two days. I have lost a lot of blood and I haven't had any food or water ever since. Somebody is about to pour a bucket of distilled vinegar onto me, just to burn me.
Snow comes down.
"Miss Everdeen. I think it's time for you to try something we call the Johanna Mason torture."
I am picked up and thrown in a tank. It slowly fills with water. I try to stand up but I am too weak. I can't do it. Its up to my shoulders. The water doesn't continue to rise. I then feel a jolt of electricity. I scream out in agonizing pain. Then it happens again.
They are electrocuting me! This goes on for another 7 minutes. As I get another shock somebody comes running down the stairs followed by several others.
"We got em!" He yells.

"Put your hands where we can see them" somebody who I'm guessing is commander shouts to Snow and the other person, they raise their arms. 4 people walk up to me and the other person. One pins the guy that was electrocuting me on the ground while the other cuffs him, then they drag him out. Then two come to assist me. They untie me. I try to stand up, but I am weak from lack of food and my severe injuries, so I wind up falling onto the ground. One soldier carries me in his arms. When I am out of the building, I see Peeta running up to me.
As soon as he gets to me he starts to cry.
"Letting it all out now?" I try to joke with him
"Katniss I have been so worried, I am so sorry"
"It's okay Peeta, it's okay."
I see the person that was also with me get dragged out.
Oh my god.
It was Gale.
*************************************Hi, I this is the re-written version of the kid-napping so if you read this before January 16, 2015 then I suggest re-reading it!

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