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Peeta POV:
I can't believe she did that. I know her heart was in the right place, but she did something to provoke them. Not purposely but she did.
"Peeta, I'm sorry, I'm going to go, I'll see you later."
"I can come."
"It's alright, I'm not planning on doing anything stupid for once."
"Katniss, it's alright, just be careful."
She nods and grabs her bow.
Katniss POV:
I grab my bow and walk off.
I turn around and go back to where I left Peeta.
"Is everything okay?" He asks me with a hint of concern and worry in his voice.
"Yeah," I walk up to him and hug him.
He is so innocent. How could anybody do something like this to someone.
We put our foreheads together.
We just stand there in silence.
I give him a short kiss, and I turn to start walking away. Last time I left him alone at night in the arena, he was taken to the Capitol and hijacked. He has never been the same. I just wanted to keep Prim safe and Peeta alive. Is that too much to ask! I didn't know it would lead to this. Now every time I do something it comes back to them. I already lost Prim, I can't lose him either, I just won't let him die.
I wander around. Im getting thirsty. I only brought my bow and I have that metal parcel attached to my belt from where I tied it earlier today. I sit down and look at it again.
A screen, and two buttons.
I can't open it, so that marks out supplies.
I decide to fiddle with the buttons. I press the red one first.
I press it again
It seems to time in seconds. I keep pressing it until I get to 00:30.
I press the green button next.
It's counting down.
Then I piece it together.
I'm holding an active time bomb.
Peeta POV:
Katniss has been gone for a while now.
I hear an explosion in the distance, and then a cannon.
It came from the direction Katniss went.

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