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As I am walking back somebody crashes into me.
I immediately retract and load my bow. Then I realize that it's Shauna.
"Where's Peeta?"
"I don't know what's wrong with him! He keeps asking where you are! It's like he's another person right now" she explains to me.
"He's having a flashback! You never leave him alone like that!
Peeta! Where are you!"
I run to where I last saw him.
He's not there.
"Peeta!" I yell.
"Katniss! People are going to hear you. We'll look for him, quit yelling you'll give us away."
Tears are now in my eyes.
"Shauna we have to find him"
"I know, we will find him, we just have to look."
Peeta's POV
The voices in my head are loud and non-stop. I don't know where I am and I don't know if Katniss is okay.
I only have the small spears I have been carrying around. I need to find Katniss.
I start walking around. I hear some rustling above me. I look up and see a few squirrels. I debate trying to catch it and risk cooking it out in the open. My
thoughts are interrupted when one jumps on me. I feel a sharp pain, it's biting me!
I try to pull it off but it's latched onto me. Then another joins it. I take the spear I have been holding onto and behead the squirrel that was gnawing on my shoulder. I grab the one that was biting my thigh, yank it off and I start running. I turn my head and see a whole pack of these mutant squirrels chasing me. I trip over something. Or someone.
"Oh my god! Peeta your okay!"
"Katniss run!"
She gets up and starts to run, but one gets her leg.
I behead it and we keep running. We fall into a small pool of water. When I get up, the squirrels are just surrounding us. They aren't going into the water.
Then they slowly start to back off.
"Katniss, are you okay?"
"I'm fine"
She comes up to me and wraps her arms around me.
"Don't ever scare me like that again"
I let out a small laugh.
"Okay lovebirds! Let's get this show on the road!" I hear Shauna say.
I find Katniss' hand and entwine it with mine. I smile a little.
How did I get so lucky?

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