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70 Years Later
It turns out that the 76th Hunger Games were the last Games because she is gone now. I can't bear to say her name without breaking down. I'm now 88. My time has come. Haymitch died of alchol abuse more than three decades ago. I remember walking into his house and him just laying there, still and motionless. My days went by too slow. Each minute was painful. Waking up from my nightmares and realizing she really is gone. I wore her MockingJay pin everyday, and I would cry myself to sleep in her room. Today, as I lie in her bed, is the day that I get re-United with her. I will get to see her beautiful smile, her stormy seam grey eyes. I still remember falling in love with her. It's just like falling asleep. Very slowly at first, and then all at once. We had our ups and downs. Our gains and losses. But nothing was as great of a loss as her. But that doesn't matter now. I looked up at the ceiling and breathed out my last words,
"I'm coming home baby"

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