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Katniss POV:
I can't believe this. I thought she was our ally, maybe even our friend. But I was wrong. Maybe she is pulling a Peeta, like Peeta did with the careers. I hear their voices fading out and crunching of sticks and leaves. Once it's fully silent, Peeta takes my hand and drags me away. I glance at our hands, and then his arm where the sleeves are. And then mine, his doesn't have the pattern. I feel I pain on my leg. It feels like a pinch, and it's burning really bad. I'm getting really dizzy.
"Peeta, something's not right..." I'm having a hard time getting words out. I just tumble over and I fall forwards. Peeta catches me.
"I'll carry you" He offers.
"No I'm fine." He doesn't listen and just picks me up. I look at him with a look full of disgust.
"Get off of me!" He gently sets me down and looks at me with confusion and hurt in his eyes.
Peeta's POV:
"Get off of me!" What.. I set her down gently and I am hurt and genuinely confused.
"Never touch me like that again!" I'm really confused now. I look down and I see something crawling up her leg. A spider.
"Katniss, theres a spider on you!" I whisper/yell at her. She swats it off and just glares at me. I want to get a closer look at that spider. I take the clear water bottle I have out of my pack and trap the spider. Its blue and definitely quiet petrifying. I know I have seen it before...
"I can't believe I loved you.."
Then it clicks. These spiders are where the Capitol got their tracker jacket venom from. But this is much more..pure venom. I think this makes you hate the things you love and you love the things you hate. Just where did she get bit?
"I love you Katniss, I hope you know that."
"Whatever" she just rolls her eyes. But she passes out right before mine.. How much venom got into her system?!!? I try shaking her awake and it's not working. I feel for her pulse. Its very weak.
She's not going to make it.

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