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"Snow" I manage to get out. I am lightheaded from the shock.
"Don't do this"
"What would be the fun in that"?
I don't know how to respond. I am very light headed.
This is weird. I see him talking to somebody. The guy he is talking to nods, "..have her back in three days". Three days!!??! The guy flips a switch. Snow motions for someone and he/she drags me by my feet towards the forcefield. Once we get there, I try my best to yell "Stop there's a forcefield"! He ignores me and keeps walking. Once I get there, I brace myself for the shock, but it never comes. The switch must have turned it off. He pulls me towards a car, opens the trunk and throws me in. "This is for the Capitol." I feel something hard hit my head and then I am out.
Peeta's POV:
She doesn't love me anymore?
I see her run out the door, but I don't follow her. I drop down onto my knees and start crying. She's right, I shouldn't hold it in. I break down. Emotions just clouding my mind. Anger, Sadness, Confusion. About an hour passes by and Katniss isn't back yet. I decide to go see if she is with Haymitch. I find him sitting on the couch chatting with Effie, sober.
"Hey guys, have you seen Katniss anywhere?"
"No, why is something wrong?" Effie asks with a worried look.
"Me and her got in an argument earlier. She took off running. She has been gone for an hour."
Haymitch just laughs. "Boy, you really do love her, an hour and your all worked up. She couldn't have gone too far anyway because of the barrier surrounding the building. She'll turn up, don't worry".
This relaxes me.
I like sober Haymitch. He is actually wise and smart, he is a father figure for me and Katniss when he is like this.
I decide to go to sleep without Katniss.
Next Day:
Katniss POV:
I wake up to a headache. I have an itch on my leg. I try to scratch is but I cant, my hands are stuck. Then I realize I'm not in my bedroom. I'm in a dark room tied up to a chair. I try to scream, but I cant, I have a piece of cloth tied around my mouth very tightly. I start to jump around, trying to wriggle free, but I wind up crashing down onto the floor bringing the chair with me. I think hear somebody coming down stairs. A light turns on. I'm in a basement.
"I see you have woken up Miss Everdeen"
He sets my chair up and he takes the cloth from around my head off.
"What's going on"? I ask
"Well, I certainly wasn't taking no for an answer. So if you won't come to me willingly, then sadly I have to use force".
He leans down and slaps me.
I hear a muffled scream.
He slaps me hard in the face. It stung.
I scream and then he punches me.
"Don't you ever scream again"!
I'm in a lot of pain. He slaps me again.
"Let's try this again" he says menacingly.
"Please no," I plead.
He looks at me in disgust. He punches me in the gut. I start to cry, he ties the cloth around my head again. He lights a fire. I feel the heat radiate against my skin. I am really cold so that feels good. He puts a piece of metal in the fire. Making it so hot that it turns red. The. He turns to me. He applies it to my skin. I try to scream, but I can't. It burns. He puts more pressure into it.
I turn my head into the direction I heard the noise.
I see a person. Tied up. Its a guy, that's for sure. But he's bruised and has a bunch of open wounds. What happened. Where am I?

Peeta's POV:
It's 5:00 p.m.
Katniss still isn't back. I am getting really worried now. I go find Haymitch.
"She's not back. I have checked the entire building, she isn't here".
"Okay, I'll call and see if I can get a team to go find her, okay"?
"Please Haymitch, I need to find her".
2 Hours Later
"Peeta, sit down, we need to talk."
This worries me. Its 7 and Katniss still isn't back. So I sit down.
"The manager called with some video footage from last night. Apparently, she was shocked by the electric barrier surrounding the building. About five minutes later, somebody turned off the barrier. Son, don't get freaked out, but somebody kidnapped her in the time period the barrier was off.
That person was a worker of Snow. But don't worry, our search team has found that they are in District Two."
"DISTRICT TWO!!!?!??? Do you realize how big that District is !? It could take days to find her"! I yell.
"I will tell you if anything happe-" his phone begins to beep. He has a confused look on his face when he taps something.
"Oh Katniss" he whispers. He hands me the phone. It's a video. I tap on it.
It's Katniss.
All of a sudden she gets whipped, she screams.
"Peeta..." *whip*
"I love..." *whip whip*
She screams again.
"You" She gets whipped again and then punched. She falls unconscious. Then the video ends.
About 10 minutes later he comes in and tells me they have found her, just on the boarder of 2.
Katniss, I'm coming.

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