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Katniss POV:
Peeta gathers some Katniss roots, Caper, and Citrus.
I bring back the 2 rabbits and 3 fish I managed to catch. I put them down at our little 'camp' and I decide to go look for Peeta.
I'm walking around and then birds come out of no where and start attacking me.
"Peeta! Peeta help!" I feel them peck and scratch me.
"Peeta!" They suddenly stop. I look up to see Peeta's bright blue eyes filled with worry. I see his lips moving but I can't make out any words. All I hear are echoes. It sounds like I'm in a tunnel and he's on the other side. I finally zoom back into reality.
"-ear me! Katniss!"
"I'm okay I'm okay."
He helps me up and we walk back to the camp hand in hand.
I see Shauna 'Cooking' the meal.
The fish are on a stick and she's rotating it above the fire. There isn't much smoke so I guess she didn't use any green plants.
"Yes Katniss?"
"Is it strange that another tribute hasn't died in three days but death traps keep getting close to us?"
"Hmph, never really thought about that."
"I think I did something to anger the Capitol."
"What did you do?"
"Remember when I told you I had to take care of something?"
"Well, I made the Mockingjay in the dirt and a made a speech or a protest"
"Katniss! What were you thinking are you trying to get yourself killed!" Peeta whisper/yells at me.
"I was thinking about our future and our past!"
"Well you are about to make the past come back to the future! Do you realize what you've done!"
"I'm sorry! Peeta this isn't right! People are starving again and it's about to go back to the way it used to be! This isn't living!"
"We can't do much more Katniss. I'm trying to keep you alive, I can't lose you again. I'm sorry."
"I know, and thanks to me they are targeting us. Im sorry."
Targets are to be shot at, they don't always hit the intended area.

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