An Uncomfortable 3 Hours

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Katniss POV:
We board the hovercraft. Effie comes up to us looking upset. "Katniss, Peeta, sit down, we need to talk". This worries me. Effie is usually enthusiastic about everything. "I am truly sorry to tell you this, but the Capitol wants its entertainment. And President Chr-" "what is it Effie"! I say harsher than I intended. " The Capitol rebuilt the Hunger Games Arena and the reaping starts tomorrow, both of your names are going in the Ballot box as well as the rest of your district". Effie says. My heart stops. I can NOT go back in there. Effie gets up and leaves. Peeta looks like he is going to be sick. I burst into tears. Peeta comes up and wraps his arms around me. "it's okay, we're gonna be okay". His grip gets tighter around me. I'm crying so hard. I am soaking Peeta's shirt with my tears. He is also crying, but silently. here I am basically sounding like a baby. I eventually cry myself to sleep. I don't know how long I have been asleep but I wake up to Peeta telling me were home.

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