Dusk before Dawn

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Katniss POV:
I see Peeta and Shauna kissing.
I just turn around and run.
My vision is blurry from my tears and I run into the wall a few times, but I finally make it back to District 12's penthouse. I sit in my room and cry. How could he do this to me?
After he told me nothing is going to change.
God, I feel so stupid!
I'm so angry and upset! I want it to end!
Is this even worth it.
I think for a while.
I eventually cry myself to sleep.
Peeta's POV:
I watch Katniss walk up on stage.
I hope she's okay. She seemed really distant just now. Caesar asks her a question but she doesn't respond. After about 2 minutes I feel myself get slammed/pushed into the wall. I feel someone's lips crash into mine. And they aren't Katniss'.
I open my eyes and I see Katniss standing there.
She takes off running just before a I shove Shauna away.
I'm about to run after Katniss when I hear my name being called for the interview. Crud. I walk up onto stage without my usual confident look, I can't even pull off a fake one.
"Hey Peeta!" Caesar says with his usual enthusiasm.
"Hey Caesar"
"So, how's it going? With Shauna's confession, and the star-crossed lovers"?
"We're okay..."
"Okay? Hit a rocky patch?" Caesar asks me sincerely.
"I guess, hopefully it didn't do too much damage."
"Okay, well Peeta. Are you planning on killing, or being killed?" He asks
"Both. I'm willing to die to keep Katniss alive, but I will also kill to survive until I know she is safe". A chorus of 'awws' ripples through the crowd.
The timer goes off signaling I'm done, I bound off the stage to go look for Katniss.
I run to her room first. I try to open it but I feel a heavy weight on it.
I push the door with a little more force and the weight moves.
Katniss POV:
I wake up to the door opening behind me.
Peeta. Ugh.
"Katniss, it isn't what you think"
"Peeta! Then tell me what I think! Because obviously I don't know! I friggin started war, a rebellion just to save you! But now you are backstage making out with some other tribute that might wind up dead tomorrow, and you come to me with a SORRY!" I yell at him.
"I didn't kiss her! She kissed me! I don't feel that way about her Katniss! Why don't you understand! I am willing to DIE for you! DIE for you! And here you are thinking that in three minutes I would hook up with some girl that I might wind up killing! DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT! So help me if you think because this is HARD for you does not mean that it not difficult for me too!" He shouts at me his face red with anger. I hate it when Peeta yells at me.
"I'm sorry" I say in a barely audible whisper. He's right. I over reacted, Peeta would never do something like that! God I am so stupid! I guess Peeta heard my sorry excuse for an apology because he wrapped me in his embrace.
"I'm sorry I yelled at you Katniss. I am sorry". He tells me. At this point I think he might actually cry. I pull away from the hug and kiss him. Then I start crying because I realize.

This may be the last night I ever have with Peeta Mellark.

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