Getting Him Back

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"What time is it"? I ask sleepily. "Nine o'clock" he responds. I look at him. His eyes are red and puffy,his face is blotchy, and his hair is s bit tousled. He helps me up and we walk to my house together. "Are you hungry"? He asks me. "No, but if you are there is food down there" I say with a sad smile. "No, I'm alright, thank you though". "your welcome". We stand there in silence for a few seconds. "I'm going to go to bed" I say. I don't think he wants me around. God, Haymitch was right, I could live a hundred lifetimes and never deserve Peeta. I miss him so much. I miss the comforting, strong arms of Peeta Mellark. Then the thought comes to my head. I love Peeta. "Katniss, Katniss, can you hear me"?! I feel his hand on my shoulder sending electricity through my body. This jolts me to reality. "yeah, sorry" I say sheepishly. "let me help you up the stairs". "Okay".

Peeta has his hand on my back while we are going up the stairs. I nearly trip over one. Stupid me. Why do I always get so nervous around him. We have known each other for a while. We are at the top of the stairs so he takes his hand off my back. The electricity instantly vanishes. He takes me to my room. I pull the covers and lay down. He pulls the covers over me. Tells me goodnight and leaves.

Peeta POV:
I really hated to leave Katniss but I didn't want to over stay my welcome. So I tell her goodnight and then I leave. I unlock the door and I go upstairs to my room. I take off my shirt and put on some comfortable shorts. I look at my newly grown leg. The Capitol regrew it so I would be in a good shape when they publicly executed me. I am now getting angry. I decide to just sleep it off. I wake up to screaming. Katniss! I don't bother putting anything on. I just run into Katniss' house. I still hear the screaming when I get into her house. I bust into her room and then I see her. She is crying,shaking, and screaming still. Eyes shut and she is gripping her head like she did in the arena. "Katniss, Katniss, it's just a dream, it's just a dream".
Katniss POV:
"P-Peeta" I sob. Shaking violently. He comes and wraps his arms around me. "it's okay, it's okay". He lays down facing me. I have calmed down because Peeta was here now. "want to talk about it"? I nod. "W-we were b..back in the arena, and trapped in the f..fog and I couldn't get you out. I heard your cannon go off b..but your body was there. It was c..covered in poison. Prim, Rue, Finnick, a..and Mags came out and s..started dying all over a..again".
Peeta hugged me tighter. He pulled away and looked at me. " its okay, I'm here now" he tells me. Then, I just lean in and kiss him. He almost immediately responds. Deepening the kiss. We pull away for air. "what was that for"? He asks. "I have been wanting to do that for a while now" I smile. We kiss again. His tongue touches my lip and I open my mouth. His tongue explores my mouth while mine does the same to his. We pull away. "stay with me"? "Always"

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