Oh Haymitch

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Me and Peeta are ushered onto the train by Effie and a few peacekeepers. I see one put his hand on Effie's back. She slaps it away. "Well I never"! I take Peeta's hand. "want to explore"? I ask, hoping it will get our minds off of things. "sure" he says flatly. As we are walking I see a cracked door. I look in and see controls. I am about to turn away when I see a familiar face on the screen. The dark hair, brown eyes, the innocence. Rue. Next to her I see Cato and Marvel. Former tributes from my first games. I begin to think of Rue. And her family, the one who gave birth,raised, and watched her die. Rue was too soft, too gentle. She didn't deserve to die. I couldn't save her. I'm sorry.Peeta comes up and wipes away tears I didn't even realize I was crying with his thumbs. "Are you okay"? "I saw a picture of Rue, and other tributes. Ones from our former games". "Oh, we can go somewhere else if you want". "Please". He picks me up bridal style and we walk towards the back of the train. "You didn't have to carry me". I say with a sad smile. "Any excuse to get closer to you". I blush and I walk over and sit on him. "Close enough"? "Nope, I was thinking more like this". He turns me around and wraps my legs around his waist. I kiss him softly. He starts to kiss my neck while laying me down. I start to unbutton his shirt. Once it's off he starts working on mine. I let out a sigh. Haymitch walks in. "Were you two abo-, did I.. were you two about to do 'it'? Me and Peeta are blushing. We honestly look like tomatoes. He just shakes his head and walks out. "Lunch is in 20 minutes, and Peeta, put on a shirt before you come"!Haymitch hollers after he walks out. "probably should get a room tonight" Peeta says to me. "Yeah, and a Haymitch proof window". "I heard that". Me and Peeta are trying not to laugh but we can't hold it in. "Oh Haymitch". Peeta slides his shirt back on and he walks over to me. He freezes for a second. I see his eyes dilating. Black-Blue-Black-Blue-Black. "YOU MUTT, YOU FILTHY MUTT" He screams charging at me. He slams my head into the wall. I get really dizzy and fall on the floor. He busts a vase a picks up one of the shards. Haymitch and Effie run in. I block my head. I hear the glass drop. I look up to see Peeta crying. I rub his back. "Its okay, it was just a flashback". "I'm so sorry, so sorry". "it's okay, I'm okay". I kiss him passionately on the lips. He responds and pulls me on top of him. "Eh-hem" Haymitch clears his throat. I forgot they were standing there. "You better not get her knocked up Peeta"! Effie exclaims. "we will finish this later"i tell him kissing him one last time.

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