The Reaping

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Me and Peeta walk together hand in hand towards the newly built Justice Building. I grip Peeta's hand tighter and tighter as we got closer to the Reaping area. "Are you ready for this"? Peeta asks me with a concerned look. "Yes, but don't get mad at me if my arm "accidentally" spasms and hits Haymitch for being drunk". Peeta laughs at this. We go in the 18 year old section. Effie comes into the stage. I stifle a laugh because she looks like a rainbow threw up on her this morning. "Welcome Welcome, to the reaping of the 76th Annual Hunger Games. As you know, the Capitol recently encountered a rebellion. We are here today to show you that even the strongest of Panem can not overthrow the Capitol. With that said I say this, let the reaping of the 76th Hunger Games begin! As usual, ladies first". She takes the first card the comes in contact with her fingers. She opens it, and you can see she is about to cry. Oh god, please don't be me, please. "Katniss Everdeen". I nearly pass out. I look over to Peeta and see he is crying. I step forward onto the stage. "Well, let's give her a hand". Effie is the only one clapping. "Very well, let's move to the gentlemen, shall we"? She picks up a ballot. Relief floods over her. "Julius Reagan". A boy looking about 14 is about to step forward when Peeta runs up yelling "I volunteer, I volunteer as tribute"! Julius runs back to his family when Peeta says this. Oh god, why, why would he go into the arena for the THIRD time! "Very well then, our two Hunger Games tributes, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark". People put three fingers to their lips and raise them in the air. Our goodbye symbol which is usually used in funerals. I do it too. Peeta does the same.
We are going back into the arena.

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