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Peeta's POV:
I dive under the fence and the Mountain Lion runs away. I pick Katniss up, and push her under the fence. I pick her up bridal style and run to my house. Haymitch comes in almost immediately with 2 others carrying a stretcher, the put Katniss on it and run into the ambulance, they are about to shut the door when they see me, "get in" one of them orders. I gladly do. We reach the hospital and they run in with Katniss. I'm sorry sir but you can't go in there. "PLEASE LET ME IN , I need to see her!" "You will later, but sir you can't right now, she is in surgery". I give up and wait in the waiting room. A Doctor with bright orange hair walks out. I forgot we were in the Capitol. "You may see her now", he leads me to her room. And then I see Katniss.

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