Training Day

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Katniss POV:
After the Snow thing, I was stitched and bandaged up. But ever since then, Peeta won't let me out of his sight.
"Up up! Time for your training sessions!" Effie exclaims in her annoying Capitol accent.
"Five more minutes" I mumble into my pillow. Then I feel like I'm in the air. I look down and I am. Holy crap! I'm flying! But it turns out it was just Peeta.
"What are you doing?" He is taking me to the bathroom. I see a tub full of water.
"Peeta don't you da-" He drops me into the water. It is so cold! I have my clothes on. Its really uncomfortable because they are sticking to my body.
"Peeta!" I yell at him.
"Are you awake, or should you take a second dip?" He asks me while laughing hysterically.
"It's not funny!"
"Yes it is!"
"Blah, just get me a towel please!"
He puts a towel on the hanger. I take off my wet clothes, and get in the shower. I scent myself as pine.
I miss home. But even after I was kidnapped, 'The Hunger Games must go on'!
Apparently it was just a 'minor' setback.
I dry off, and wrap myself in my towel. I find my training suit on the bed. I slide it on easily.
I decide to go find Peeta. I just walk into his room. He is still getting dressed.
"Im sorry Peeta, I didn't me-"
"Stop, Katniss. You don't have to apologize".
He puts on his training suit and walks up to me. He wraps me in his embrace.
"I am so glad you are back". He says into my shoulder.
"It's okay, I'm okay".
I let go and I slide my hand into his.
"Come on, I don't want to be late".
As we arrive, I see about half of the tributes doing something,the others are just chatting and laughing.
How can they laugh at a time like this?
"I'm going to go look around, okay"? Peeta tells me.
I start my own exploration.
This training room is a lot more complicated than the last. Each station is a glass box/ room.
I see an archery station. Im about to walk over when I feel someone shove me. I turn around and see Shauna.
"What do you want"
"Considering our offer?"
"No, but by the way, next time you want to pick a fight, make sure it isn't someone who could easily take you down". I say confidently.
This sets her off. She lunges for me. She knocks me down and is sitting on top of me with her hands around my neck. I use my right knee and kick her in the stomach. She lets go of my neck. I flip us. Now I'm on top. She punches me in the face. I start screaming. She pulls my hair and we start rolling around on the floor. I feel someone pull her off of me.
Two Peacekeepers come her way, they take Shauna and they drag her away.
She is screaming swear words at me.
If she even tries to hurt Peeta in anyway, not only will I hurt her,
I will kill her in the arena.

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