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Peeta wakes me up. "Katniss, come on, we need to get ready for the.." he pauses. "Reaping, I know". "I wish they didn't keep the Hunger Games going. But of course they did. Can the people who make these just die already". I say making a face. Peeta laughs. I put my arms around his neck and I'm about to kiss him, but he puts a pillow in between us, "no kisses until you get ready" he says. I pout. "Fine. But you owe me a lot more than just one kiss now". I say smugly.
I go to my wardrobe, I pull out a baby blue dress that Cinna made me before he was beaten to death by the Capitol. I miss him. I don't hear Peeta come up behind me. Not until I hear "Katni..." I see his eyes turn from blue to black. "Peeta? Are you o..." Before I can even finish my sentence he shoves me to the ground. "oww Peeta that hurt"! Then he slaps me. "YOU MUTT! YOU UGLY MUTT, YOU KILLED EVERYBODY I HAVE EVER LOVED! He kicks me in the leg. Then he puts me against the wall and starts to choke me. "Peeta" I manage to get out. I now know he is having an episode. "this isn't you, fight it, I love you" I say in between breaths. His eyes go back to blue and he lets go. He starts to cry. "I am so sorry Katniss" I sit next to him to comfort him. "its okay, its not your fault, it's mine, I should have never left you, this would have never happened to you". "Katniss, it is not your fault, don't ever say that again, I am so sorry I was choking you". Did I do anything else"? I don't say anything. "Katniss, you have to tell me". "Promise me you won't leave" "Katniss, if I hurt you I would want to leave, but I'm not if you don't want me to". "okay, you shoved, slapped, and kicked me,but I'm okay"! "Oh Katniss, I a.." I cut him off with a kiss. "you weren't supposed to get one of those until you were ready" he remarks. "oh but your so kissable". I say smirking.
I put on the dress, and go downstairs to meet Peeta. He is making breakfast. I sneak up behind him and put my arms around his waist. I kiss his neck to tease him. "mmm, you taste like cinnamon". He chuckles. Peeta turns around and bear hugs me. He starts to kiss my neck but I stop him. "no kisses until breakfast is done" I mimic him from earlier. He pouts. Once breakfast is done he comes to get me. "This is great Peeta"! I basically inhale breakfast. When we're finished he starts to wash the dishes. But I tell him to come to where I am instead. I pull him closer to me. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. He puts his arms under me for support. We begin to kiss. But I stop him again. "what is it now," Peeta playfully complains. " I need to set the clock so we're not late" "okay". Once I do, we go back to kissing/eating each other's faces for a bit longer.

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