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I awake to Shauna shaking me.
"Wh-" she cuts me off by covering my mouth with her hand. She point below us. There is a pack of dogs beneath us.
Dogs can't climb, can they?
I hear a rustling near by.
The dogs chase after the noise.
There's an ear piercing scream.
I scurry down the tree, I put my foot on the second to last branch and then it snaps.
I fall to the ground.
I take a glimpse of my surroundings.
I glance to my left. And see those piercing blue eyes lock with mine.
Then darkness takes over.
Peeta POV
I hear a thud not too far from where I am staking out. I crawl out from underneath the Boulder I was staying at. I try my best to quietly peer around the tree. Then I see her on the ground.
"KATNISS!" I scream her name not caring if someone hears,
I crouch down beside her.
"No,no,no..." I whisper to myself.
"I was supposed to protect you, I failed, I am so sorry Katniss. I love you so much. Dead or alive." One of my tears stray and land in her hair.
"I love you too.." I hear a hoarse voice say.
I look down and see Katniss' eyes flutter open.
"Oh my god, Katniss" I pull her up into my embrace.
She hugs me back, tears slide down my face.
"Ahem, I don't mean to interrupt but we've got company". I look up to see Shauna.
I look to where her eyes are directed, about a hundred meters away I see 2 careers heading our way. I take out one of the mini-spears I was holding onto in my bag. One charges up to me and Katniss and I spear him in the stomach.
I feel so guilty. I can't stand killing people. For Katniss. I see Shauna take out the other one.
This time we got lucky.

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