The Mockingjay

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As the anthem comes on I am laying down in Peeta's arms. My head is in his chest. Apparently another four people died today.
Iris and Aspen from District Nine
Rose from 10, and Julian from 7
We are laying on the ground tonight.
It's a big risk, considering the dangers lurking beside or right underneath us, but an even bigger risk because we might fall or get hypothermia from the drastic climate changes. A thought comes into my head.
Im here because I volunteered.
I'm here because I wanted to protect my little sister Prim. I never wanted any of this. I didn't want to start a rebellion, I never wanted to go into the games. I couldn't even manage to save my sister. I only killed innocent people. There shouldn't be anymore games. I destroyed the last Arena for a reason.
I was their Mockingjay.
I AM their Mockingjay.
"Peeta, I will be back, I need to take care of something"
"I'm coming with you"
"No Peeta, your not"
"Katniss, you could get hurt or killed! I'm coming with you"
"Shauna is also staying here with you end of discussion"
"Peeta, listen to me I know what I'm doing, I know that I could die, I could also die right now! We aren't safe anywhere. In case you haven't noticed, there are 8 other people hunting for us right now, so stay here with Shauna, keep her safe".
I hug Peeta and peck his lips.
I hug Shauna and whisper in her ear "make sure he doesn't follow me"
She nods.
"I will be back, okay?"
I turn around and walk off.
Time to put my plan into action.
I find an open space.
I take my foot and clear off the space.
It's pretty open and big, This will have to work.
I take one of my arrows and draw a large circle around the area. Then I go into the middle and draw a large arrow.
Head, beak, wings, tail.
I go look for some sticks. I fill the lines with sticks and dried leaves.
Once I finish, I find 2 rocks and create some tinder out of wood shavings. I bang the rocks together to create a spark, then it lights the tinder. I place it on the leaves and they light, the rest of the leaves light like domino's.
I place my three middle fingers to my lips.
"This is a message to President Chrone.
You can try all you want to break me.
But you can not succeed. I may be a girl in your eyes! But I am the Mockingjay in others! One spark leads to a fire, a flame that can not be put out by one person! We the districts rebelled and won! We are not afraid to do it again!
I never wanted any of this! I only wanted to save my little sister Prim, I never wanted the games, rebellions, or the war! You took what I loved away from me! But as I once heard from an old enemy, it is the ones you love the most, that destroy you!"
I turn and walk back to where Peeta and Shauna are.

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