My Crazy Peeta Mellark

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I'm in the arena now.
"Peeta, PEETA"! I'm looking for Peeta. Then I see him,
Hanging from a tree.
He is dead.
And Mags come out from behind him.
Finnick is holding a dagger,"you deserve this"! He Stabs Peeta several times. Then fog comes and kills mags. A parachute comes down and explodes in Prims hands, killing her on the spot. Marvel comes and throws a spear, it hits Rue in the stomach. Several other tributes come out, they are going to kill me.
I wake up screaming.
Peeta bursts through the door.
"Katniss! It's okay, it was just a dream, just a dream". He comes and wraps his arms around me. "Want to talk about it"? He asks.
I shake my head as a no.
I lay my head on his chest.
"I don't want to go back into the arena".
"I know Katniss, I know".
"Why did you volunteer for that boy"?
He stays silent for a minute.
"Because, I didn't want you to go through this alone".
"Peeta Mellark, you are crazy, you know that, right"?
"Mmm hmm, I'm your crazy Peeta Mellark".
Suddenly my alarm goes off. Scaring me so bad that I fall off the bed. Stupid bed. I think to myself. Peeta laughs and helps me up.
"Are you okay"? He asks, stifling a laugh. "Yes, so continue to laugh
At my clumsiness". He wraps me in a hug. "Well I'm going to get dressed, that's why the stupid alarm was set in the first place". "Okay". He says. I begin to undress when I see he is just staring at me. "Peeta"? "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are"? "Hmm.., nope". "Well, you are", a smile breaks out into his face. "What is it"? "Just thinking about how beautiful you are". "Well, thanks, but I'm not". "Katniss Everdeen, you are the prettiest girl I have ever met. I speak truth
Because for the 13 years worth
Of girls I have seen, you
Are by far the most beautiful I have ever seen".
He cuts me off with a kiss, which soon turns into a French kiss.

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