Is it really you?

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Katniss POV:
I walk out the door of my home in the Victors Village. All of a sudden a hovercraft appears and lands in the middle of the Village. 3 people walk out. I recognize 1, Effie. There's a Peacekeeper and someone else I can't place. Blonde hair, tanned skin, muscular, he turns around and I see those eyes. Blue, big, and the ones I fell in love with. PEETA! I start to feel tears fall down my face, then I remember. Katniss, he hates you, your the reason he was hijacked, and tortured. I turn around and run into the meadow. I slip under the fence not bothering to listen for the buzz. I keep running. I trip over something and begin sobbing. Not because I fell, but because Peeta is back and he doesn't love me anymore. After an hour ,I try to get up but after a few steps, I fall down again. I look at my legs and I see they are bloody. I keep getting up though, I begin walking, my vision becomes blurry but I keep walking. I walk into a tree. "stupid tree" I mutter to myself. I hear some humming, not recognizing the sound I keep walking. I crash into something and it begins to violently shock me, I fall back and black out.

Pesetas POV:

I'm sitting in the doctors office and Dr. Aurelius walks in. "I have some good news Peeta, you are stable enough to go home" he says with a smile. this jolts me into reality. I feel tears of joy slide down my face. I can see Katniss again! "You will be discharged in an hour, don't forget to take your medicine though , until next time Mr. Mellark. I run to the small apartment
I'm staying in and begin to pack. I hear a knock on the door and open it. Effie trinket is standing outside the door. "why hello Peeta", "I believe you have heard the news", you will be returning today". I nod. I take my bags and Effie leads me to a hovercraft. three hours later we arrive in District 12. I exit the craft. I am talking to Effie and then she tells me to turn around. I turn, and then I see Katniss. I'm about to walk up to her, but she turns around and runs. I try to chase her but Effie tells me not to, it is a lot for Katniss right now and she just needs some space. I nod and walk into my home in the Victors Village. I remember all of the memories I had here with Katniss. I unpack, and take a shower. I walk over to Katniss' and I knock on the door. No answer. I knock again, still no answer. I decide to walk in. "Katniss" I say. it's silent and I get worried. she's not back yet. It's been a few hours and it's getting dark. I start to look for her. I arrive at the fence and I hear a humming noise. Oh god, I hope that is NOT the fence! I put a stick to it and it burns the tip of the stick right off. Katniss is in there. I put my
Hands to my head and then I see it. I small heap of clothing outside of the fence. I dart over and I realize it's Katniss. I see a pool of blood surrounding her. "Katniss, wake up". She's not asleep, she's unconscious. okay so she stuck ,hurt and unconscious. could this get any worse. That's when I see the animal approaching. Its a mountain lion. I instantly pull out my phone and dial Haymitch's number. he answers thank God he sober. "Haymitch, it's Katniss, she is stuck outside the fence and it hurt really bad and The fence is turned on"."hold on I will get it turned off for you". the lion is still approaching. I throw rocks at it and then I hear the fence turn off.

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