The truth

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Peeta POV:
I put Katniss' head in my lap as I sit down across from Shauna.
"I'm so sorry, it's my fault sh- "
"Don't say that, what happened, happened. There isn't anything we can do about it either. So stop beating yourself up over it. Okay?"
"Okay. " She gives me a sad smile.
"Why are you helping me and Katniss?"
I suddenly blurt.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean you have a chance at winning the games, but your here helping us?"
"I look up to Katniss. She is the mockingjay. She is the reason I am alive right now."
"What do you mean the reason you are alive right now?"
"My family was being imported to the Capitol for being caught on the run. When we were caught, it was when the rebellion first started. Right as we were about to be killed, the power plant was blown up, the lights went out and we managed to escape. Then District Thirteens hovercraft shower and they rescued us. If it weren't for Katniss, we wouldn't be safe right now and that is a debt I can never repay."
"So you feel like your in debt?"
"Yeah and I also have a guilty conscience for saying I love you. I was only trying to find a way to get Katniss to come to me. So I started those things to give her a reason. Then I saw her looking for the bow, I gave it to her, and here we are now. I don't really love you, I actually have a boyfriend back at home."
"That's nice, I don't really know how to continue this conversation because I would very.. uncomfortable talking about my gender in an affectionate way."
She laughs, then I hear a groan from my lap. I look down to see Katniss' beautiful grey eyes.
"Oh my god, Katniss!"
I bring her into my embrace.
"Peeta.. can't... breathe..."
I let go,
"I'm sorry, I just can't let you go."
"I'm okay, but I am hungry."
I let out small laugh.
"Okay let's go hunting and gathering."

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