Indescribable Love

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I realize I'm holding and active time bomb.
I throw it and take off running.
I'm not fast enough. The impact of the explosion blows me forward. I slam into a tree head first. I try to stay awake.
Don't close your eyes, don't do it! I can only keep this up for about an hour at the most. But after I reach my time limit...
Everything fades and turns black.
Peeta POV:
I sprint towards the place of the explosion. After about and hour, I see Katniss' bow on the ground. I begin to panic. I look around the area for another 3 minutes. Then I see her. Katniss is laying motionless on the ground. I don't see her chest rising up and down. She's not breathing!
I remember the CPR I learned in training. Its a long shot, but I don't know how long Katniss has been like this for. It couldn't have been long or the hovercraft claw would have already picked her up. I crouch down next to her. I put one hand down and the other on top and begin pumping after I count to thirty, I close her nose, and begin blowing oxygen into her. One, two, three. Then I start pressing again. After 5 tries. She gasps for air. The joy I felt when I peered into her grey orbs is indescribable, it couldn't be put into words.
"Hey Peeta" is what comes out of her mouth. She just died and that's the first thing she says. I chuckle. She looks at me with confusion written all over her face.
"I'm sorry, it's just you basically just died, and the first thing you said was 'hey Peeta'."
A look of realization crosses her and she suddenly says,
"The bomb! I was supposed to wire it, but it started on its own! They tried to kill me!"
"What do you mean?" I ask genuinely curious about this.
"The metal thing I always had with me, it was a bomb."
Oh so that's what it was, I wondered about that.
"I wonder whose cannon it was." I really am wondering because if it wasn't Katniss' then whose was it?
"We should get back, but I'm going to try to find me bow now,"
"Oh, it's over here" I walk over and get her bow. Surprisingly she still has her arrows with her.
"Wait," she stops me with her hand.
"Can we stay and watch the sun-set?"
"Yeah, sure."
She leads me to a giant boulder. When I say giant I mean GIANT.
She grabs a hold of a vine and uses it as a rope to climb up. I do the same. When we get up there, she takes my hand and we sit down and watch the sun-set together.
"Peeta, I couldn't imagine life without you. We might not live in a fairytale, but no one does. The day that you hit the forcefield, I realized how much I love you. I'm so sorry I hurt you in ways that some people wouldn't even think are possible. I'm sorry it took me longer to love you. Here we are, in another arena. To the Capitol were star-crossed lovers. But I don't know if it's another game to them, but to me,
It's real."
Right now, I'm speechless. I just lean in and kiss her. It isn't like the ones we usually have, its like the one on the beach from the quarter-quell. Full of love and passion. Its all real though. Our love story, it's finally real.
We break away and lean in so our foreheads are together.
"Katniss, my love for you is indescribable."

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