The Lone Victor

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Peeta POV:
I take the mask and pour the amneutrayl into its tube.
I don't know what it was supposed to do. My hopes just went up to high. I guess I thought it would bring her back to life. A life without Katniss is too hard to imagine. She's my everything. I want her with me right now. I know the Capitol wanted her dead. Now they have gotten what they wanted. I take Katniss' cold, frail hand in my larger one. Tears run down my face. Its just now setting in that she's really gone forever. I will never be able to hold her in my arms again. Never will we be able to have our happily ever after. Never will I be the same. I'll probably just go insane. I always thought that I would be the reason for her death. I was so cautious around her with myself that I forgot about the other dangers of the world.
The word the bonded us. The word we said when we were being comforted by one another. Katniss was my forever. I need her, I miss her so much.
"Our Victor of the 76th Hunger Games. District Twelves very own,Peeta Mellark! Thank you for your participation, and were the odds ever in your favor."
No. The odds were not in my favor.
Not at all.
I see a hovercraft coming down. No claw to pick up a lifeless body, but a platform for a lone victor to walk up.
I pick up Katniss' limp body in my arms. I clutch her as my lifeline. Haymitch is waiting at the top for me. He has a sincere look on his face. I think he is the only one who can comfort me right now, because he loved Katniss too.

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