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Peeta helps me off the chariot.
"So miss Mockingjay" I hear a voice behind me call. Shauna. Seth is with her. "We want you as our ally"
Allying with a Career, not a chance.
"If you don't, you guys will be the first on our kill list".
"Yeah, like we're scared of you" I snap back.
"You should be, first we'll kill lover boy, then you. Aww, poor Katniss won't be able to save her precious Peeta. And we know because, oh, what about Cinna, and Finnick, what about your pweety wittle sister, what was her name, oh Prim"?
I'm about to lunge at her when I feel two hands hold me back. Peeta.
Shauna turns to walk away. Peeta lets me go.
"It's not worth it" he tells me.
I bury my head in his chest. Peeta has always been there for me. I love him so much. He takes my hand and we head back to our rooms.
"Are you okay?" Peeta asks with a concerned look. I nod. But honestly I'm not, it's just too much to handle. A third Hunger Games, Prim's death, the nightmares that get worse and worse each night. Peeta knows I'm not alright because he can see right through me, he can tell when I'm lying to him, or hiding something. It's always been like that. He walks with me into my room. He shuts the door behind him. Peeta puts his arms around me. He starts rubbing circles on my back with his thumb. I put my head on his chest. I start to cry. I hate doing it in front of Peeta, but I can't hold it in anymore.
"It's okay, Katniss, it's okay, your going to be fine" he whispers.
Then the thought occurs in my mind. How is Peeta holding up? He has been through a lot more than me. He lost his family, he was hijacked, AND
tortured, but he also volunteered to go into the Hunger Games for a third time, just so I don't have to do it alone while he knows his life is at stake. But here he is comforting ME when some tribute wanted to pick a fight. I feel like such a horrible person.
"Yes Katniss?"
"How are you doing, are you okay?"
I know he just lied to me. He did NOT just lie to me.
"Peeta! You don't have to hold it in, please tell me!" I say pleadingly.
"Katniss, I'm fine, just leave it" he snaps.
"You can't keep shutting people out when they want to help you"!
"Well I'm not going to cry like you every time someone throws a bad memory in my face"! He shouts at me.
"Every time something bad happens to you, you cry about it, or you get all mad, you never just let things go!"
That hurt. I'm in tears now.
He tries to say something.
"You know what Peeta, screw it! You can shut people out for the rest of your life! I DONT CARE! You know why! BECAUSE I DONT LOVE YOU ANYMORE! I just wanted to help and
You get mad at me for that! Well I don't
Care! Goodbye Peeta!" I scream at him. With that I run out of the room. I run out of our penthouse, I run out of the building. I was so angry and upset. I forget about the forcefield.
I am shocked and then thrown into the air. I am barely conscious. I begin to twitch. I see somebody I just barely recognize walk through the forcefield and comes up beside me.
"Hello Miss Everdeen"

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