Chapter 20

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This chapter has LOTS of songs and too much Demi Lovato. Just kidding. You can never have too much Demi Lovato. This chapter has been planned since I first started writing this fic. Its also really long. Oops. And Dalton doesn't burn down, so the Warblers don't join the New Directions. Blaine's singing will look like this. Kurt's singing will look like this . Sorry it switches POVs so much. Enjoy it!!



Blaine's POV

Blaine woke up with Sebastian's arms tightly wrapped around him. He clicked off his alarm, and checked the clock, which read 3:40am. They had to drive back to Westerville, then go into school at 9am. Blaine looked over his shoulder, where Seb was sound asleep. He frowned as he noticed how tense Bas looked while he slept. When Seb was sleeping in the hospital, he looked peaceful. He looked the opposite now.

"Bas?" Blaine gently shook Sebastian's arm, but his boyfriend just whimpered and tightened his arms around Blaine. "Sebastian," He said louder, trying to wake Seb. The taller boy just whimpered and tightened his arms again. "Sebastian!" Blaine said in a voice just below a shout.

With a gasp, Sebastian bolted up right. He looked around frantically, and let out a deep breath as he recognized his surroundings. His hand shook as he ran it through his hair.

"Sebastian?" Blaine put his hand on Sebastian's arm, and was shocked when the boy flinched.

"Blaine." Sebastian acknowledged shakily. His breath was ragged, and he gripped the sheets. He avoided eye contact, and ran his hand through his hair again.

"What's wrong?" Blaine asked, trying to catch Sebastian's eye.

"I'm fine." Seb lied as he looked away. "We should get going, it's a long drive."

"No, wait. Talk to me, Sebastian. What's wrong?" Blaine caught Sebastian's arm as his boyfriend tried to stand up.

"I, um, I just..." Sebastian's voice faltered, he swallowed thickly and tried again. "I just had a nightmare. I'm fine though." He flashed a smile, but it quickly disappeared, as fake smiles often do.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Blaine softly put his hand on Seb's cheek. Sebastian leaned into the touch, and shook his head. "Okay. I'm here if you need me." Sebastian nodded once more, and pulled away.

Blaine watched Sebastian unzip his overnight bag, and removed clothes from it. Not sure what else to do, Blaine got up and changed too.

The drive home was silent, mostly because Sebastian fell asleep 20 minutes in. Seb offered to drive, but Blaine insisted, and he was glad he did. Sebastian had claimed he was fine, but his emerald eyes were dim. Blaine clicked on Seb's seat heater, because he knew Sebastian always was cold while he slept.

As Blaine drove, his head spun with questions he would never dare to ask Sebastian. How often does he have nightmares? How long has he had them? Are they about his dad? Why didn't he tell me about them? His mind whirred for the next 4 hours, and by the time they arrived at Daltom, Blaine's mind was exhausted. Unfortunately for him, he had to teach today, and so did Sebastian.

"Bas? Wake up." Blaine said gently.

Sebastian groaned, and mumbled, "Five more minutes."

Blaine smiled. It was a much more happier greeting then the way Seb woke up this morning. "Sorry, Bas, we gotta work."

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