Chapter 16

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Yo. This is ridiculously long, so sorry. It kinda got out of hand. The songs look different, because I got lazy and copied it from Genius Lyrics. Enjoy, vote and comment!!



Blaine's POV

When the song finished, the group hugged. Hugs are a New Directions corner stone.

Santana smiled. "Thank you guys, that was sweet. Like cotton candy sweet, I think I got a cavity just from watching." Blaine and the others laughed. "No, but seriously, thank you. I would love to see you all in my wedding party, even you Berry." That got another laugh from everyone.

"Well, I'll see you all at Emma and I's house!" Mr. Shue turned to leave.

"Wait, what for?" Asked Brittany with a confused frown.

Mercedes grinned. "Your engagement party of course."

"You didn't." Santana shook her head, biting back a grin of her own.

"We did." Artie chuckled.

"See y'all there!" Kitty waved as she wheeled Artie off the stage. The two were rekindling something, or at least it looked that way.

Blaine waved goodbye and speed walked to his car. He didn't want Kurt to have the chance to ambush him. Blaine quickly drove to the grocery store, to grab a bottle of sparkling cider. He'd considered getting wine, but basically everyone was underage, not that that had stopped them before.

Blaine knocked on the door of Mr. Shue's apartment excitedly. He loved Santana and Britt, he watched them fall love and come out. Not even Kurt answering the door could spoil his mood. The past week was kinda rough, so a party was welcomed.

Blaine grinned as he walked in. The apartment was warmly lit, with a cozy feel. The dining room table was filled with food, and everyone else and already arrived.

"Blaine!" Britt exclaimed as he walked in. She beamed and gave him a hug. The others grinned and waved. Kitty, Artie, Rachel and the new kids were listening to Sam do impersonations in the living room. Santana and Mrs. Pillsbury were playing with baby Danny, and Mercedes was talking with Kurt and Mr. Shue.

"Hey Brittany!" Blaine smiled and set the sparkling cider on the table. He and Brittany walked over to where Santana was jiggling Danny on her hip.

"He's like a mini leprechaun." Commented Brittany. Santana shook her head in amusement.

"Hi!" Blaine greeted Mrs. Pillsbury and Danny. Danny gurgled in reply, but Mrs. Pillsbury just said 'hi'.

"Once you two get married, are you gonna have any kids?" Mrs. Pillsbury asked.

"Well, we haven't really talked about it, but maybe." Brittany shrugged.

"We can have as many as you'd like, as long as we're together." Santana smiled and kissed Brittany on the lips.

"Do you want to hold him, Blaine?" Offered Mrs. Pillsbury.

"Sure." Carefully, Santana passed the baby over to him. "Hello there." Blaine laughed as Danny made cooing noises.

"Awwwww, he likes you!" Mrs. Pillsbury said.

"That's the noise my cats make when they poop." Brittany informed in a serious tone.

Blaine snorted. "Thanks, Britt." Brittana drifted over to Mr. Shue, Kurt and Mercedes.

"So, Blaine, how's teaching at Dalton going?" Inquired his former guidance counselor.

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