Chapter 29

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Blaine's POV

Be my teenage dream tonight.

There's a point in time when you realize you don't want a 'teenage dream'. Blaine's moment was sitting in bed with Sebastian sleeping beside him. It was early in the morning and it was unusual for Blaine to be awake at such a time. Even so, he had woken up and then he couldn't fall back asleep. He had considered waking Seb up but decided against it. If Sebastian was asleep, it was best to let him rest. That way another night went by where Blaine's boyfriend got enough rest.

Blaine decided to put in a pair of headphones and hit shuffle on an old playlist. A couple songs passed quietly before an all too familiar tune came on.

You think I'm pretty without any makeup on

Blaine let out a quiet laugh. It all felt like eons ago now. He grabbed a stranger's hand on the same stairs he would later propose on. Met on the stairs, engaged on the stairs. Maybe that's why we had so many ups and downs. Blaine smiled at the silly thought.

The song used to mean the world, now it just made Blaine laugh. He still enjoyed the song and loved Katy Perry but he realized it truly was for teenagers.

Teenage Dream was the song's name and it seemed like an appropriate guide for the relationship it began. It all seemed so great at the time but people glorify the past. Blaine's relationship with Kurt was never meant to last because they were two teenagers who had a bit of a tendency to bring out the worst in each other. They were wonderful people separately and could be great together but in the end it just didn't work out.

Blaine wasn't exactly sure what Uptown Girl said about him and Sebastian, but Dark Side was most certainly their song.

Sebastian had a tragic story and it was a dark place. He never let anyone go there even though he lived there. He'd done bad things and tried to come back from them. And yet, Blaine saw that darkness and wasn't scared. Walking out never crossed his mind because he couldn't imagine doing it. Sebastian was worth it and he always would be.

As for Blaine, he was insecure and scared to love again. Sebastian reminded Blaine of who his is and of everything he hoped to be. What was it Blaine wanted? To be happy and successful. Well, Blaine learned that being succesful meant being happy. And he was happy living in Ohio with his amazing boyfriend while teaching others to love music. But he did want to go back to college and go to Broadway or maybe the music industry. There were dreams he'd put away after the broken engagement that he wanted to face again.

Blaine bit his lip anxiously.  Should I apply to NYADA again? Or another school? Maybe we could stay in Ohio or move to L.A. where Cooper lives? He felt like a high school senior again. In some regards, he was back on square one. In other places, he was a million paces ahead. Still, the future seemed blury.

"What's the matter, B?" Blaine didn't realize Sebastian was awake until the taller boy's sleepy tones reached his ears.

"Morning, Seb. What are you doing up?" Blaine asked, pulling out his headphones. "I didn't wake you, did I?"

"Mmm, don't worry, you didn't." Sebastian assured, his eyes still closed. "What's the matter?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that something is worrying you, what is it?" Sebastian sat up next to Blaine.

Blaine sighed. "Do you ever think about our future?"

"All the time."

"What do you thinks gonna happen?" Blaine curiously questioned.

"I'm not sure, the future will always been uncertain." Sebastian replied. "But Genevieve taught me that the meaning of life is to enjoy it. So long as I'm making the most of my life, it will all work out."

"What if you can't make the most of your life?" Blaine wondered aloud.

"Making the most of life isn't doing crazy things or being productive every day, it's about bring happy and appreciating the people and things you have around you. You don't need to worry about the future. We're young and I promise you'll never look up and realized you lived an unfulfilled life because you're a wonder, Blaine Devon Anderson. You're going to do amazing things but that doesn't mean every single dream has to be set in motion immediately. Everything takes time and when the time is right you'll stun the whole wide world. But for now, don't worry about it. I mean, does it really matter what the future has in store? Because as long as we're together,  the future can be as unclear as it wants. We'll take it all on, together." Sebastian spoke tenderly, his eyes watching Blaine as if the Sun weren't shining.

Blaine laughed softly. "You're right."

"I know." Sebastian smiled. "But what part of your future is unsure to you?"

"I don't know, college. I love teaching the Warblers but I don't want to do that forever. I still want to go back to school and preform." Blaine said thoughtfully.

"Well, you don't need my permission, so if that's what you want, go for it."

"Really? But what about everything here? Our apartment, our jobs?" Blaine was surprised at how quickly Sebastian got on board.

"Maybe we finished out the school year and then go off into the world." Sebastian suggested. "I would never get in the way of your dreams and I still want to go to college too."

"You mean it?" Blaine asked, surprised.

"Yeah! We're young and we have dreams to chase. If it doesn't work out, then so be it but we can still try together." Blaine could see that spark in Sebastian's eyes.

Blaine threw his arms around Sebastian happily. "Let's do it!" Blaine took comfort knowing that Seb was as passionate at he was.




Hello, world! Or the few people reading this, that works too. I hope you all have doing well! I know this is barely 1,000 words (little under actually) but I needed it so the next chapter doesn't seem too weird. *Hint* the next chapter is the last one a.k.a. the epilogue. Love you all!


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