Naya Rivera

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Hello all, I don't have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ect. so I've taken to this site to express my feelings about this beautiful soul departing. This is kinda my tribute to her. Naya Rivera was so much more than just Santana Lopez. She was a mother, daughter, sister, actress, singer, dancer, writer, friend and so much more. I've been tracking this story since I first heard about it last Wednesday. I was absolutely shocked and heart broken as well as worried. I've been praying and hoping that Naya would be found alive and safe, but each day passed by without that happening. They already changed her Google profile from living to deceased.

Glee is a big part of my life and there is no Glee without Santana. But like I said Naya was more than a role she played on TV. She still means a lot to people, including me. That being said, now my prayers and courage are with Naya's whole family, as well as her Glee cast family.

If you don't know, today, July 13 is the day Cory Monteith passed. Many Twitter and Instagram posts feature #7YearsWithoutCory, or #NayaRivera. My hope is that Cory and Naya found each other and are shining down on us from Heaven. I hope in her last moments she wasn't scared or angry. I hope she found some sort of peace, knowing her son was safe and alive, and that she would see Cory again. I hope they had a Glee style reunion and sang a song.

All I can think about is her performance of If I Die Young in Glee in honor of Cory Monteith and Finn Hudson. I also think of her duet with Dani aka Demi Lovato, Here Comes The Sun because it reminds me of hope in this horrible world. Last of all I think of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun that Finn sang to Santana when the Glee clubs helped Santana come out. It's just a emotional performance and always makes me tear up. I'm putting the YouTube video of those performance as well as some of my other favorite preformances of hers. I've seen many Tweets saying she was too talented to die, but it didn't matter how talented she was. Naya was a person. A real human being. I agree that she's talented, but before being an actress or singer, she was a human, and we will all miss her dearly. Right now we need to remember no matter how hard this is for us, the fans, it is a billion times harder for Naya's family and friends. Please don't share photos of her family right now, they need to be able to mourn in private, same for her co-stars. For them this isn't breaking news on a TV screen. This is very real and heart breaking for all of us, most especially them. Also please refrain from attacking Lea Michele. Yes, she's had a bad past but this wasn't her, or anyone's fault. Lea and the rest of the cast are mourning, so don't attack them for not posting a message. This is real and painful for them, and people grieve in their own ways. I just hope Naya knows she is missed by all her family, friends and fans.

I can't stop thinking about her 4 year old son, Josey. Being that young, he won't have many memories with his mom, and will always be wondering what she's like because interviews and TV shows and other people's memories won't be enough to make up for a lifetime without a mother. There's a lyric from the hit Broadway musical that I think applies to Josey and Naya, 'Legacy, what is a legacy? It's planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.'

Naya Rivera was, is, and forever remembered, a Legend. She was goofy, quirky, talented, kind,loving and so much more. The world is dimmed by the loss of her light. She helped so many people accept themselves when she played Santana, who was a Latina Lesbian. She means a lot to me personally, and I've stared crying numerous times. But fear not, Naya Rivera lives on in everyone whose life she touched. She lives on in Josey, in her parents and siblings. She lives on in the whole Glee cast. But she also lives on in you and me. Her life, short as it was, will not being forgotten. Josey will not be alone. Tell Naya's story, keep her legacy, remember her name, even if it's a year from now, or 100 years from now. Make sure that when Josey grows up he'll know his mother's story, and how much she loved him. Like another Hamilton lyric, 'When you're gone who remembers your name, who keeps your fame, who tells your story?' that is us. In the future there will he generations who don't know the name Naya Rivera, it's our job to tell them what a beautiful, strong person she was, and how much she still means to people. I hope wherever Naya is she knows she is loved and missed. I hope her family and friends can get through this, and come out stonger in the end, because that's what Naya would've wanted. She would say that God has a plan, and that we have to trust in it. Thank you, Naya, for all you've done for us. Rest easy you beautiful soul.

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