Chapter 1

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Kurt's POV

  Kurt didn't want to get his hopes up, but he did. He hoped Blaine would give him a chance. After all, at the proposal, Blaine said many things like; their hands were meant to hold each other; that in every life time they had ever lived they chose to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again, over and over for all eternity; and that all he's ever wanted is to spend his life loving Kurt. Kurt just hoped Blaine remembered his own words when they met at Scandals later that afternoon.

  'Just be cool. Keep your words as straight as an arrow.' Kurt thought as his stomach turned into one big nerve, clenching and unclenching every few seconds so hard it hurt. He was startled out of his thoughts by a familiar voice.

  "Hi! I hope you weren't waiting long." Kurt turned to see Blaine and his slightly over gelled hair and perfect face that was wearing a forced smile. As glad as Kurt was to see Blaine, his ex just looked awkward. Kurt didn't blame Blaine for being uncomfortable, Kurt was the one who broke of their engagement. 

  "Uh, no, no. H-hi!" Kurt stuttered. Jeez, he sounded like Tina when she had her stutter, well fake stutter.  'Real smooth Romeo!'

So this is my first LGBTQ+ fic so if I get anything wrong, please tell me!! Enjoy!!


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