Chapter 22

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Hiya! Now for story stuff: This week is split into 2 chapters (for my sanity). It takes place during We Built This Glee Club, in the week of Thanksgiving break. I think I skipped a week, but that's okay. Four big events will happen this week, one in this chapter. The other three will be in chapter 23. Somehow the New Directions get enough members to preform. As always, sorry its late! Maybe just don't expect a schedule. Enjoy!!



We Built This Glee Club, Thanksgiving, Sectionals

Blaine's POV

It was a cold, windy, Sunday morning in Lima, Ohio, but the chill wasn't felt inside the Anderson household. Cooper had spontaneously decided to come home for Thanksgiving (even though he just visited), so the kitchen was bustling with pre Thanksgiving cooking. When it was just Pam and Blaine, they had a smaller dinner, or went over to a friends house. But with Cooper in town for the holidays, they decided to go all out.

Blaine was shooed out of the kitchen (he wasn't the best cook), which was fine with Blaine because Sebastian came over. He sat on the couch, with Seb's head resting on his lap.

"Sebastian?" Blaine asked as he ran his fingers through Sebastian's hair.

"Yeah?" The boy in question opened his eyes and looked up at Blaine.

"What are you doing for Thanksgiving?"

"I'm not sure. My mom isn't making a big Thanksgiving dinner this year, she's been busy planning my dad's funeral. So, I guess I'm free." Replied Sebastian.

"Well, if you don't have plans, we're going to Sectionals, then going home to have Thanksgiving dinner? Maybe you'd wanna join us? Your mom can come too." Offered Blaine.

"That sounds nice." Considered Seb. "I'll ask my mom, as long you guys don't mind two extra plates."

"The more the merrier." Blaine smiled and leaned down to peck Sebastian on the lips. After he pulled away, Blaine asked, "When is your dad's funeral."

The corners of Sebastian's mouth twitched down. "A week from yesterday."

"So soon?" Blaine's eyebrows shot up.

"Yeah, I guess my mom wanted it sooner rather than later. I don't really know, because I was sorta barred from helping." Seb bit his lip.


"I don't know. Maybe my mom wanted to do it herself, or maybe she knows I don't want to even go to his funeral." Sebastian shrugged.

"Why not?" Blaine frowned.

Sebastian sighed. "I just don't really want to be there."

It was blaring clear that Sebastian didn't want to talk about this at the moment, so Blaine changed the subject. "Are you excited to see the Warblers preform?"

"Yeah! I'm so excited to see what you and the guys have done!" The spark returned to Sebastian's eyes.

"I'm excited too, I'm really proud of the guys. Its different from the Warblers I knew, but they're great." Blaine said. He did miss the Warblers, he had seen a couple at the riff off, but he missed the whole crew.

"Why are the having it on Thanksgiving again? I mean, it didn't work so well when we had Sectionals on Thanksgiving." Seb snorted.

"Well, it worked out for the Warblers, you guys won." Pointed out Blaine.

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