Chapter 21

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Holy frak, I can't believe we're on chapter 21! Thanks for sticking with me and this book for this long. This chapter is very emotional, and I'm sorry if I don't write this well. This chapter has talks of suicide, so you might wanna skim if thats a difficult topic for you, but PLEASE don't skip this chapter, it's very important for the plot and Sebastian's character.

It takes place during the Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester. Blaine is kinda busy, so he doesn't go on camera to 'testify ' against Sue. Dalton doesn't burn down, so idk what's goin' on at McKinley.

Also, fun fact: Naya Rivera was left handed and so am I. Totally random, just wanted to say that. Enjoy!



Sebastian's POV

How can this be real? How can I be this happy? Sebastian sat at lunch with Blaine and Ms. Monroe. It was a fairly sunny Monday afternoon, and Sebastian was deliriously happy. He'd never been more sure of his relationship with Blaine and next week was Thanksgiving break as well as Sectionals. Last week had it's dramas, with the riff off and all, but this week was going to be great. He could feel it.

"Got any Thanksgiving plans?" Asked their former teacher.

"Well, Sectionals is that week, so that's exciting. And, we haven't decided what we're doing for Thanksgiving. How about you?" Replied Blaine.

"I'm going down to Florida for the week." Ms. Monroe smiled at the thought.

"Awww, lucky! That sounds so fun! Just you?" Blaine took a swig of coffee.

"It will be my sister and I." Informed Ms. Monroe.

Buzz Buzz Buzz

Sebastian looked down at his phone, to see his mom calling. "I'll be right back." He gestured to his phone.

*in French*

"Hey, Mom, what's up?" Sebastian walked into the hallway.

"Sebastian, you need to come to the hospital right now. It's your father... h-he tried to take his life." Soleil's voice shook. Sebastian felt an odd buzzing sensation fill his body.

"I-I'll be right there." Sebastian stood shocked after he hung up the phone. He barely heard the bell ring, and he didn't notice Blaine and Ms. Monroe exit the teacher's lounge.

*end of French*

"Hey, Bas," Blaine stopped as he saw the look on Sebastian's face. "What's wrong?"

"I... I have to go to the hospital, f-family emergency. Can you sub for my French class, Ms. Monroe?" Sebastian asked.

"Of course." The teacher gave him a gentle pat on the arm, and hurried away.

"I'll drive." It wasn't a question, so Sebastian followed Blaine outside to his car. Sebastian was too stunned to drive anyways. He didn't say anything the whole drive, and neither did Blaine.

When they arrived, the couple rushed into the hospital. Sebastian spotted his mom nervously sitting in the waiting room.

*in French*

"Mom! Is he in the ER?"

"Yes. I'm so worried, Sebastian." Soleil had never looked so small.

"He'll be okay." Sebastian assured, sitting down next to him mom. He firmly grasped her hand. Blaine sat on Sebastian's other side, and grabbed his other hand.

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