Chapter 4

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Hello! Okay, I don't really have anything else to say, enjoy!!



Blaine's POV

Blaine knew he shouldn't have run out like that, but he was scared. He usually prided himself in being the guy who wasn't afraid of intamicy and saying I Love You. But this time was different. Sebastian was different then Kurt. Not bad different, but different. Blaine's hands were shaking, and he gripped the steering wheel tighter. Ring Ring! Blaine looked down to see who it was and it was his boyfriend. Blaine shook his head and pushed Deny Call. Seb called again which made Blaine turn his phone on silent. He couldn't talk to Sebastian, not right now. Blaine didn't even know where he was going, he just kept driving.

Blaine ended up at Dalton Academy. The drive there was a blur, Blaine's stomach turning and hands shaking the whole way. Blaine exited the car and locked it. He entered the building. His feet wandered to the Senoir Commons. Blaine scoffed and thought 'Stick to what you know I guess.' He had the urge to break into song, but resisted it.

You make me, feel like I'm livin' a teenage dream

Hearing the echo of music Blaine turned around to see... Himself? He say himself singing Teenage Dream the day he met Kurt. He saw the passion in his own eyes and felt a hollowness in his chest.

Uptown girl, she's been livin' in her uptown world, I bet she's never had a backstreet guy, I bet her mama's never told her why

The memory changed to the day he met Sebastian. He saw himself being pulled into the number by Sebastian and feeling right at home. Blaine felt an aching in his heart. Not a hollowness, but a guilt, sadness and longing. A tear slipped out of Blaine's eyes which he quickly wiped away. Blaine shook his head and the memory vanished along with the echos. He sighed and walked up to there second floor where he stood on the balcony. It was now dark out and Blaine gazed at the stars.

Just then a car pulled up. Blaine recognized it as Sebastian's. A tall figure got out of the car. 'How did he find me?' Wondered Blaine. Sebastian entered the school with a concerned look on his handsome face. Blaine knew Seb hadn't seen him on the balcony so he figured he had at least ten minutes to prepare himself for Sebastian's anger. He knew Seb had to be mad, Seb said I Love You and Blaine didn't say I Love You back. Blaine just couldn't. The last I Love You Blaine gave lead to a disaster of a break up. He just felt like if he said I Love You it would mean their relationship was real. You can't get hurt if it was fake, right? Blaine shook his head and put it in his hands.

"Hey B," Came a soft voice from behind him. Blaine jumped and turned around to see Sebastian leaning against the door frame. "I wanted to say I'm sorry, I never should have made you feel like you had to say I Love You back, and I wanted you to know that you never have to say I Love You if it makes you uncomfortable at all. But I also want you to know that I meant it, with everything I am." Sebastian walked over to Blaine and squeezed him tight. After a couple seconds Blaine relaxed and hugged him back.

Blaine took a deep breath and explained, "It's not that I don't love you Bas, it's that I was scared. Kurt was supposed to love me forever, but he didn't. The last time someone said that to me it ended really, really bad. I just was so determind to not get hurt again I thought that if I didn't say I Love You our relationship wouldn't be real. If it's not real I can't get hurt." He said all this with a small, sad smile on his face.

Sebastian took Blaine's hand, squeezed it tight and said, "I understand Blaine, you didn't want your heart to break again. After what happened with Kurt, I get why you'd be scared." Blaine squeezed his boyfriend's hand back and mouthed 'Thanks'. Seb nodded with a grin slowly creeping onto his face. "You ready to go?" Inquired Sebastian.

"Wait, uh... I wanted to sing something for you. I know you said you understand, but, uh, the song might help a little more. And also I love this song."Blaine told Seb. The tall boy nodded and leaned back on the railing, a sign for Blaine to sing. Blaine opened his mouth and began to sing...

Before I fall too fast
Kiss me quick but make it last
So I can see how badly this will hurt me when you say goodbye

Keep it sweet
Keep it slow
Let the future pass but don't let go
But tonight I could fall too soon into this beautiful moonlight

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
So please don't catch me

See this heart won't settle down
Like a child running scared from a clown
I'm terrified of what you do
My stomach screams just when I look at you

Run far away so I can breathe
Even though you're far from suffocating me
But I can't get my hopes too high
'Cause every hello ends with a goodbye

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
So please don't catch me

Now you see why I'm scared
I can't open up my heart without care
So here I go
It's what I feel
For the first time in my life I know it's real

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
So please don't catch me

If this is love please don't break me
I'm giving up so just catch me

When Blaine finished the song he looked nervously as Sebastian to see if he liked it. Sebastian stood up and walked slowly walked over to Blaine. He wore a shy smile, but his eyes said it all. Seb cupped Blaine's cheeks with both hands and kissed him. It was soft and loving. "I love you Blaine." Sebastian said it like a promise, and it was. And somehow, Blaine knew Seb wouldn't break that promise.

"I love you too." Wispered Blaine. A grin split across Sebatian's face, so joyful and infectious it spread to Blaine's face.

This time Blaine knew his heart was safe, this time was different. Sure people thought that all the time, but this time it was true, Blaine knew it. Seb wasn't a hopeless, cheesy romantic, but he still an amazing boyfriend. He made Blaine feel safe, and happy which was all Blaine could hope for in a relationship.


There ya go! By the way the song was Catch Me by Demi Lovato, the video is below. See ya'll soon!


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