Chapter 12

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Hello! So I was rereading Chapter 11, and there's a lot of spelling mistakes, so sorry. It's just a little weird typing on my phone. But this chapter will wrap up the Hurt Locker P2. I added cute Seblaine stuff in this chapter because things have been a little hectic, and we haven't seen too much fluff. This is a very angsty story, I realize. Uh, just enjoy, read, vote and comment! Also thanks for reading, because A, there's not a lot of Seblaine fans, and B, this story is kinda trash. Kurt and Blaine get stuck in the 'elevator' this chapter, and I did cut out somethings, but only for time purposes. And for plot purposes. Okay, that's all!



Sebastian's POV

Being in Blaine's arms was like being home. Well... it was like the times before his dad first came at him. When he and Genevieve were young and playing on the beach. Care free and happy. The only time he felt like that now was when he was with Blaine, or when he was preforming.

Sebastian laid in a hospital bed, snuggled against Blaine. He loved the way Blaine's warmth wrapped around him. Sebastian also loved Blaine's scent, which could only be described as Blaine's. Tears no longer flowed from his eyes, but they hurt from the crying. For the longest time he was scared if he mourned Genevieve, it would mean that her death was real. And if it was real, it was his fault. So he never mourned her, not properly. He didn't come to terms with it, just lived in pain. Pain that Sebastian believed he deserved, for what he did to his sister. But when he was around Blaine, the pain lessened, just a little bit.

"Bas?" Blaine's voice was gentle.


"Do you mind if I stay the night with you, here?" Asked Blaine. "The Warblers are high schoolers, they can take care of themselves."

Sebastian smiled. "Of course you can, B."

"Well then, let me get under the covers!" Nudged Blaine, faking exasperation.

Sebastian smirked. "Not until you take off your shoes. Getting dirt on MY BED." Blaine burst into laughter and slid off his shoes, as well as his blazer and bowtie.

"Now you have to let me under the covers." Demanded Blaine with a smile. Sebastian chuckled and lifted the covers. Blaine scooched under. His body was warm, and he once again put his arm around Sebastian. Their bodies fit together like two pieces of a puzzle.

"How did Invitationals go?" Asked Sebastian, as he realized that he'd forgotten to bring it up.

"Vocal Adrenaline was just... amazing. The Warblers preform tomorrow, and I think they're a little shaken." Blaine admitted.

"The Warblers have always been good. With you leading them, they'll be incredible." Assured Sebastian, smiling at the high school drama. He remembered when he was cutthroat, doing anything to gain a competitive edge. It seemed like a million years ago.

Blaine kissed the top of Sebastian's head. "I hope so."

The pair laid in a comfortable silence, until Sebastian began to get sleepy. "Can you turn off the light?"

"Of course." Blaine got up and flicked of the lights. It was nighttime, so the hall lights were off. "Ow!" Mumbled Blaine was he walked into a chair.

"You okay?" Chuckled Sebastian. The reply was yes, as Blaine climbed into bed. They cuddled close, and for the first time in a long time, Sebastian fell asleep right away. No nightmares came to visit, not while he slept in Blaine's arms.

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