Chapter 28

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Sebastian's POV

Doesn't it drive you crazy, just how fast things change? And how when you wake up, the changes are invisible, like that was how it was supposed to be all along? That's a feeling Sebastian hadn't felt in a long time. The changes in his life had always be painful and toxic. It was different with Blaine. When Sebastian woke, he couldn't help but wonder how he'd ever not lived like this.

Living with Blaine felt like paradise, like that one disgustingly sweet couple from a really corny movie. Every morning Sebastian woke up next to Blaine and every night he fell asleep next to him. On the weekdays they packed lunch together and on the weekends they made breakfast together (it was mostly Sebastian who cooked breakfast, Blaine could only make like four things).

Sebastian grinned as he woke up. He yawned, stretched and looked at his sleeping boyfriend. Blaine was still sound asleep, snoring like a baby. Sebastian couldn't blame him, the pair had stayed up late the previous night. He had had a jarring nightmare last night and as promised, he woke Blaine. It was 3:05 in the morning but Blaine didn't mind. The two talked for a while then watched Singing In The Rain.

Sebastian glanced at their alarm clock and smiled. There was a good amount of time before their alarm was set to ring. Today was Friday, the last school day before the weekend. Even though he was a teacher now, Sebastian doubted he'd loose the boyish excitement that came with a schooless day.

"Seb, go back to sleep." Blaine grumbled, his face still in his pillow. Sebastian gave a short laugh and layed back down. The curly haired boy made a satisfied noise and curled into Sebastian.

A little while later their alarm clock blared loudly, much to Blaine's chagrin. Sebastian didn't mind getting up early, he was used to it. Blaine on the other hand, wasn't exactly an early bird. He needed a good eight hours of sleep or he'd be dragging all day. Sebastian could run perfectly fine on no sleep.

Blaine was visibly tired by the time lunch rolled around, although he insisted he was wide awake. The couple sat at their usual table with Ms. Monroe, who noted Blaine's exhaustion with amusement.

"Teaching is exhausting, isn't it?" Their former teacher smiled as Blaine gave another loud yawn.

"Yeah, but so worth it." Blaine directed the comment at Sebastian, who smiled. He'd been a little uncomfortable waking Blaine up at first, but now he was sure it was okay.

"That's the job to a t." Ms. Monroe replied. "So do you two have any weekend plans?"

"Uh, no, not really. It's just a casual weekend. How about you?" Blaine asked.

Sebastian spaced out as their teacher answered. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Just a casual weekend? I turn 19 tomorrow, did he actually forget? Sebastian's heart sank a bit. He already wasn't looking forward to his birthday because his mom couldn't come visit, but Blaine forgetting sealed the deal.

"Sebastian? Sebastian!" Blaine waved his hand in front of the his boyfriend's face. "Hello? Earth to Sebastian?"

Sebastian snapped back to attention. "Sorry, I spaced out. What were we talking about?" He scratched his neck sheepishly.

"Ms. Monroe was just telling us she is going to a baby shower this weekend." Blaine recalled.

"Oh, that's awesome! Have fun!" Sebastian said, falsely cheery.

Ms. Monroe smiled, "Thanks." The bell clanged and the trio got up. "Well, enjoy your weekend!"

"You too." Sebastian threw away his trash.

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