Chapter 27

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Sebastian's POV

Sebastian sat up, drenched with sweat and shaking. He threw the covers off himself and sat up. He looked around in the dark, wishing his heart would slow.

Blaine and Sebastian had been working hard the past week and their apartment was fully decorated. It was perfect for them, and tomorrow they were eager to show their first place off to their friends. Life was truly looking up and but there was still one anchor weighting Sebastian down.

"Seb?" Sebastian jumped, startled as Blaine groggily called his name.

"What are you doing up, B?" Sebastian replied, keeping his voice steady.

"Are you okay?" Blaine asked, sitting up.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Go back to sleep." Sebastian softly brushed his hand against Blaine's cheek.

Blaine squinted at the clock on his bedside table. "Why are you awake, it's 1:32 a.m."

"I'm thirsty, I'm just going to get some water." Lied Sebastian.

"You should just start keeping a glass on your nightstand." Yawned Blaine. "After all, this is the sixth night in a row you've gotten up for a drink of water." Something in Blaine's voice told Sebastian his boyfriend knew something was up.

Sebastian stood up, not wanting to have that particular conversation at 1:32 in the morning. "I'm just going to get that drink now."

"Wait, Sebastian, come back." Blaine grabbed Sebastian's hand as the taller boy walked by his side of the bed. "Sit down, tell me what's bothering you."

Sebastian hesitated, but then saw the look in Blaine's eyes. Even though it was dark, Sebastian could see the determination in Blaine's eyes, the urge to ease Sebastian's pain. That glimmer told Sebastian he wasn't getting away with another lame excuse tonight. There's always a right time for the truth, guess it's right now. He sighed and sat down on the bed.

Blaine waited for Sebastian to speak, so he did. "Do you remember when I was in that hospital and I had that nightmare? I told you that it didn't happen often, but I lied, it happens everynight. I don't sleep often and when I do I just see my worst fears played out before me."

Sebastian thought an admittance like that would've been harder but after all the difficult conversations he'd had, it was easier to tell Blaine.

"Sebastian, I'm not going to give you a big speech and tell you things you already know." Blaine took Sebastian's hand tenderly. "But what I am going to do is be here for you every night till the end of our lives and promise that you can wake me up when you need me. You don't ever have to tell me what you see, just know I will always be here for you, every hour and every minute."

"Okay." Sebastian said softly, a bit stunned at what Blaine was promising.

Blaine smiled and pulled Sebastian over to him. "Is there anything else you want to talk about?"

Sebastian saw what the question really was 'Is there anything else I should know about?'. He thought for a moment, then a weight lifted.  There were no more skeletons in Sebastian's closet even though there'd always be lingering pain. "No, no there isn't. Is there anything you need to talk about?"

"Nope. Well, there is one thing..." Sebastian felt a tad uneasy as Blaine spoke. "Did you get ice for the party tomorrow night?"

"Oh! Yes, I did get ice." Sebastian replied, relieved.

"Good." Blaine pulled Sebastian closer.

The next day...

Blaine's POV

"Blaine! People will be arriving any minute!" Called Sebastian from the kitchen.

"One second!" Blaine shouted back as he fixed his bowtie in their bathroom mirror. He barely made it to the kitchen before he heard a knock on the door.

Sebastian and Blaine locked eyes excitedly and opened the door together.

The door opened to reveal Rachel, Kurt and Jesse St. James. Rachel gave both Sebastian and Blaine hugs. "Hey, guys!"

"Hi! Welcome to our place!" Blaine beamed.

Kurt looked around as he walked in. "Wow, this place is..."

"Bitchin'?" Offered Sebastian.

Kurt laughed, "No, it's really well decorated."

"Thanks! But really, it was all Sebastian." Blaine said, linking arms with Sebastian.

"Really?" Rachel's eyebrows shot up.

"Don't sound too surprised." Sebastian chuckled. "But yeah, I had a lot of design input."

*knock knock*

Sebastian opened the door and greeted Wes, Thad, Jeff, Nick and Trent. "Hello!"

The guys entered the apartment with a flurry of hugs and 'hi's'.

Everyone brought a different dish for a potluck style dinner. Sebastian handed out drinks while Blaine got out plates.

*knock knock*

"I got it." Blaine said to Sebastian.

"Hey!" Brittany and Santana each gave Blaine a kiss on the cheek as they walked in.

"Welcome!" Sebastian grinned.

The rest of the evening was spent eating, laughing and complimenting the apartments style. Blaine sighed happily as he looked at his friends and the man he was going to spend the rest of his life with.


Hey! So, sorry for the short chapter with a crappy ending. I wanted to write a better ending but it's getting late. Also, I was thinking of Cory so I thought I'd share this,

"Je ne sais pas le maison." It means 'I don't know the house' which doesn't make any sense, and that's why Cory liked to say it. We miss you, Cory. ❤

Lastly, it's bittersweet to say, but this book is getting close to an end. Thanks for reading, and stay safe!


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