Chapter 3

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Hi! Just wanted to apologize for my writing, there's a lot of explanation stuff. Also, there will be a song in here, as will most chapters. The song might not always fit the situation perfectly, but hey, I'm trying. This is really long, sorry. I don't know how many chapters will be this long, who know. Song lyrics and flashbacks are in what I think are italics. They look like this. I would love for you to comment, but you of course don't have too. Last of all, enjoy!



Blaine's POV

It's been two days since he met up with Kurt at Scandals, and Blaine was feeling good overall. He knew he hadn't totally cut ties with his ex, but it was a start. Blaine was really happy with Sebastian, and he was glad his boyfriend knew it. He loved hanging out with Seb, they talked, sang, and had fun together. In fact, at that very moment Blaine was driving over to Sebatian's house. 

Blaine and Sebastian both still lived with their parents, and neither one of them had a problem with that. Seb lived in Westerville, but it was only a 15 to 20 minute drive at most. Blaine pulled up to Sebastian's house and pulled the key out of the ignition. Seb's house was still impressive, even though Blaine had been there numerous times. Sure, for other places it wasn't that extavagant, but this was Ohio. The house had five bedrooms, three bathrooms. There were two living rooms and a fancy kitchen where he sometimes baked with Sebastian. The house also included a nook, sunroom, pool, office, greenhouse, movie room, library, dance studio as well as a music studio. Blaine loved the music and dance studios and they often hung out in there doing improptu dance numbers and songs. But the place Blaine loved the most was Seb's bedroom. No it's not like THAT.

 Blaine loved his boyfriend's room because he felt like he could really see Sebastian's personality in the walls. Not his douchy personality, but the shy, dorky personality that Sebastian reserved only for his boyfriend. The walls were a gray/blue color, and the comforter and pillows matched.  There was a queen size bed on one wall across from a bay window. On one side of the window there was a guitar stand with a guitar on it. On the other side there was a tall book shelve chalk full of large books. The walls adjacent to the bay window both held doors. One wall had a door leading to a large bathroom, while the other door led to Sebastian's closet. Next to the door leading to the closet there was a keyboard. Opposite of that was a nice mahogany desk with a black leather chair Sebastian spun around in far too much. In the spare space above his bed and keyboard Sebastian had posters of various science, music and lacrosse related things. He also had a bunch of photos hanging above his guitar. Blaine enjoyed looking at the photos, they always made him smile. Some were of the Warblers, and of them preforming, as well as team photos from the Dalton Academy Lacrosse Team. There were also family photos, many taken in France. Sebastian always got embarrassed when Blaine said Seb was a cute little kid. It was funny, the Sebastian Blaine had come to know over the past couple months got easily embarrassed while douchy Sebastian never got flustered. Last of all, there were photos of the two of them, Sebastian and Blaine. Those were Blaine's absolute favorites. They were cute and endearing, just like the Sebastian underneath the armor. Blaine only wished other people could see how truly wonderful his boyfriend was.

Ding Dong! Blaine still rang the door bell even though both Sebastian and his mother, Soleil insisted he could come and go as he pleased. Seb's mother was the nicest person on the planet, if you asked Blaine. She spoke little English, and although most of her words were in French, she was still kind and always had a smile on her face. Sebastian's father Anthony was rarely around in the day, but they had meet a couple times.

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