Chapter 8

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Sebastian couldn't stop thinking the whole drive home. 'Did I make the wrong call? Should I move in with Blaine? Or did I make the wrong call and I should move in with Blaine?' He torn between what he felt was his duty, and his heart. He would always put his mom first after... no he wouldn't think about that, not now. By the time he got home his brain was a muddled mess of emotion. He just wanted someone to point the way.

Sebastian's prayer was answered when he got into his room and found his mom sitting on his bed.

*This next conversation is in French*

"Hi Mom," Sebastian greeted. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Sit." She replied, patting the space beside her. Sebastian sat down next to his mom. Even sitting down he was taller than her. "Do you remember that time I passed out from loss of blood? And you wanted to call an ambulance you were so scared?" Sebastian remembered, he was 9 at the time. They knew better than to call the ambulance, it would bring up questions and questions were trouble. But that was one of the scariest days of his life. "But I woke up, and convinced you not to call 911. Do you remember what I told you after that?"

"You said you had the magic of French gypsies running through your blood and that you could survive anything that happened to you." Sebastian believed what his mom said at the time, he was 9 after all. "Then you said I had the same magic in my veins. You also told me that I was the most selfless 9 year old you knew."

Soleil smiled. "You are still the most selfless boy I know. But doing something because you need to, because you want to, isn't selfish. Taking care of yourself is one of the least selfish things you could do." She affectionately brushed Sebastian's cheek with her hand.

"I don't understand." Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows.

"Move in with Blaine." It wasn't quite a suggestion but it wasn't an order either.

Sebastian was puzzled, Blaine had only asked him tonight. "How did you know about that, Mom?"

"I have the magic of French gypsies pumping in my heart."

Sebastian gave a tender laugh. His smile faded as he replied, "I still can't leave you. You know what'll happen if I do. He won't be pleased to loose one of his punching bags."

"Sebastian!" Scolded his mother firmly. For some reason Soleil still loved her husband. Sebastian, on the other hand hated his dad with a burning passion. He knew he would never be as good as his mom, so he didn't try. 'Broken, bully, b*tch, bad guy.' Sebastian was called a lot of things, but he knew he was those four. 'Broken, bully, b*tch, bad guy.' Not kind, or empathetic, or compassionate or an even okay human being. 'Broken, bully, b*tch, bad guy.'

"I'm sorry Mom." She nodded. Sebastian reluctantly continued, "Fine, I'll move it with Blaine, but ONLY if you're 100 percent sure you'll be fine on your own." He caved too easily, but he knew once his dad found out, would blow his top. Then they'd be right back at square one.

His mom smiled wide and said, "You'd better text Blaine and tell him."

Sebastian mustered a smile and replied, "Of course I will, and thanks Mom." She kissed his on the cheek and whispered,

"You are the strongest, most selfless person I know." Sebastian smiled and thanked her. She kissed the top of his head and left. 'She was wrong. Broken, bully, b*tch, bad guy.'

Sebastian Smythe: Guess what?

Blaine Anderson: What?

Sebastian Smythe: I wanna move in with you!

Sebastian debated not sending the text, backing out, but he didn't.

Blaine Anderson: Really?!

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