Chapter 13

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Hi! I'm curious guys, seriously, why are you reading this garbage? I'm thankful, but so confused. Are you sure you want to read what I'm writing? If you're sure, then you'll like this chapter. Read, comment and vote! Last, but certainly not least, stay safe!



Sebastian's POV

Sebastian woke up with Blaine's arm around him. His gut throbbed, but he ignored it. He groggily checked his phone. The time read 6:48. Pretty good compared to usual. Sebastian sighed. Most nights he just didn't sleep. It was too early to wake Blaine up and ask where he was the night before last night. He didn't reveal just how worried he'd been about his boyfriend.

Quietly, Sebastian got out of bed. It hurt to stand, but also felt good. Staying in bed all day made him feel weak, helpless. Those were feelings Sebastian despised, yet they stayed with him all hours of the day. He walked over to the window and looked out. The sun was barely beginning its descent into the sky. He glanced over at Blaine. Sebastian gently kissed the ex Warbler on the forehead.

Sebastian leaned on the windowsill, the pained eased when he stood that way. He'd been furious at his Dad when it happened. But he'd been even angrier at himself. Broken, bully, bitc*, bad guy. And after all that anger dulled, he just felt tired. The kind of tired that sleep can't fix.

Blaine's POV

Blaine woke up without Seb in his arms. He looked up and he saw his boyfriend looking out the window.

"Morning." Smiled Blaine. Sebastian turned around with a grin.

"Morning B." Sebastian sat down next Blaine on the bed.

Blaine pecked Seb on the lips and asked, "Can you be up and moving around like that?"

"Yep! The doctor said it's good to get out of bed. Plus it only hurts a bit." Blaine scanned Bas's eyes for the truth. He's still in pain. Blaine decided it was best not to confront him.

"How long have you been up? You should've woken me." Blaine snuggled in Seb, careful to avoid his wound.

"Not that long." Assure Sebastian. Blaine checked his phone, which read 9:03. There were also several texts from Kurt, which he ignored. "Are you gonna tell me where you were?"

Blaine bit his lip. Seb's probably gonna think I'm crazy, or worse, still in love with Kurt. "Don't hate me." Blaine's voice came out in a whisper.

"Why would I ever hate you?" Sebastian sounded concerned, and he had a right to be.

"I...." Blaine couldn't form the words. Fear coursed through him, fear that Sebastian would be furious and break up with him.

Seb pulled Blaine closer to him. "You can tell me, Blaine. I could never hate you." His voice was soft and reassuring, and gave Blaine just enough courage to say,

"I was with Kurt and we kissed." The feeling of Sebastian's body going rigid prompted Blaine to hastily explain. "Sue Sylvester locked us in a fake elevator and wouldn't let us out unless we kissed. We refused all night until I got sick of the elevator and we kissed. I'm so sorry Sebastian, I know its cheating, and it sounds made up, but I swear -" Blaine was interrupted by the sound of Sebastian laughing.

Blaine frowned. I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing. "What's so funny? Do you not believe me?"

"Of course I believe you! I trust you, Blaine. Besides, that story is too weird to be made up."

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